Artist Creates Surreal Pictures With Shelter Animals To Help Find Them New Homes
Talented Hungarian photographer Sarolta Ban (whom we wrote about here and here) is back with more of her distinctive creative photography, but this time there’s a noble purpose behind her work – each image is meant to portray a shelter animal in a new light and help these adorable animals find a loving home.
Everything seems to have begun with one beautiful photo of a white dog that, according to Ban’s Facebook, she adopted. She went on to create a whole series of interesting photos featuring furry friends from animal shelters.
She also started collecting images of animals from all over the world that are looking for homes. She plans to create beautiful images for them as well and will gift copies of these images to the people that choose to adopt them from animal rescue centers.
“Abandoned dogs sadly have really few chances to appear in a photo idea that will help them get out of the shelter… [one] that stands out from the crowd, and ‘speaks’ to a person,” she explains on the project’s page.
If you enjoy her artwork and the cute animals in them, be sure to check out her page as well and buy a print or even get acquainted with a new furry friend!
Source: saroltaban.com | Facebook (via: mymodernmet)
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