Controversial Illustrations By Polish Artist Reveal The Darker Side Of Modern Society
Polish illustrator, artist, and co-owner of Morski Studio Graficzne Igor Morski creates surreal images imbued with hidden meaning. He graduated with honors from the Interior Architecture and Industrial Design Faculty at the State Higher School of Fine Art in Poznań, and worked for public broadcasting in the 80s and 90s, before finally pursuing a career in press illustration. Morski opened his own studio in 1995.
"Sometimes I used to use popular symbols, such as Pinocchio’s long nose," Morski told Bored Panda. "However, most frequently I have tried to think up my own symbols. For example, [my piece] “creative archaeology” is about the commercialisation of archaeology. There, I depict a halved human head filled with the sand with a stylised figure of Indiana Jones, the archaeologist, at the top. The symbolism becomes clear. On the one hand, you have the head filled with the sand, on the other, the figure digging in it."
More info: igor.morski.pl | Facebook (h/t: demilked, sunriseartists)
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I was a single parent myself for a while. This illustrates the situation perfectly! I had to row against my ex while having the added weight of the children.
The words on there are the days of the week in case you were wondering.
Or a boy growing into society's definition of what a man is supposed to be. What our definition of masculinity has evolved into.
We are made of Earth. When we die we will return to the earth. But, in the meantime, life is a beautiful dance.
We put so many thoughts and feelings into little compartments, putting off dealing with them.....
I see a child controlling his elder self. The moon is a terrific allegory for the lens of fantasy through which we viewed adulthood.
Inside: i am still a young girl, wishing to fly away. To escape. Why were birds born with wings, and not I?
Business and capitalism are just means in which society can unload aggressiveness and the desire of dominance. Deep inside we are still all animals.
Big fish in a little pond; america isn't as great as it thinks it is without the cooperation/water of the rest of the world.
His imagination lifts him up out of his impoverished surroundings. But he is also his own worst enemy: if he swings his sword the wrong way, he'll cut the strings and come crashing painfully back to reality.
Despite how important a thing is, there is always a limit of having it, too much of anything is a bad idea.
Sometimes you think you protecting yourself when the very thing you thought was protecting you ends up causing the most damage...
We as people are larger than those giving the orders. We literally support those in power, and yet we follow their direction
Demons inside us are killing us or that dark side inside each of us
The distorted reality and transformation of matter to symbolize reality in dreams
We can evolve and change, but our future is literally either going to be flooded or filled with pollution
Absolutely marvellous illustration. I am hoping the author is going to come up with more artwork of these series - everything I saw, makes me craving for more. Polak wykazał się myślą i talentem, narysował ciekawe ilustracje, a ludzie zza granicy jako zaangażowani odbiorcy ciekawie je interpretują i podpisują. To co się dzieje na tej stronie jest dobrym wzorem dla wszystkich Polaków za granicą - bądź jak Morski. Reprezentuj, inspiruj i wyznaczaj standardy dla każdego.
It needs to be a bit more understandable but the phone parasite was really realistic and true!
Absolutely marvellous illustration. I am hoping the author is going to come up with more artwork of these series - everything I saw, makes me craving for more. Polak wykazał się myślą i talentem, narysował ciekawe ilustracje, a ludzie zza granicy jako zaangażowani odbiorcy ciekawie je interpretują i podpisują. To co się dzieje na tej stronie jest dobrym wzorem dla wszystkich Polaków za granicą - bądź jak Morski. Reprezentuj, inspiruj i wyznaczaj standardy dla każdego.
It needs to be a bit more understandable but the phone parasite was really realistic and true!