Artist Transforms Boring Street Objects Into Playful Ones, Makes New York City Streets Fun
American artist Tom Bob is running loose in the streets of New York, and let's hope nobody catches him.
Using street "furniture" like poles or electrical terminals, Tom creates colorful and whimsical pieces that interact with their surroundings. From turning a sewer into a frying pan, to transforming gas meters into quirky lobsters, Tom Bob is making the city a much happier place for everybody.
If you liked Bob's creative and witty work, check out the famous French OakOak (here, here, and here) whose art you might find equally entertaining.
More info: Instagram (h/t: ufunk)
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The key is in the wrong place in the keyhole - shame, since it is a great idea
Hey! Critics! Did you consider that it might have been created with the property owner's permission? Well, did you?
Another Chinese here just reporting in that I am in no way offended by this piece of art.
We these all over out streets last spring, I coiled four of them up and put a black locust seed pod in front to look like a serpents tongue. (used a black marker for eyes)
That'll be also sad, this time because them dogs will urinate all over it. :p
Loved all of them! Very creative and adding a much needed fun touch in the city! :D
Loved all of them! Very creative and adding a much needed fun touch in the city! :D