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    Whether you’re on a long train ride or spending days in the library, studying for finals – the naps that you need the most don’t happen in bed. That’s why Aros have developed a hoodie with a secret inflatable pillow in the hood. The wearer can inflate/deflate the pillow (made of a highly durable quiet plastic poly blend) using a valve located in the left front section of the hood. Inflated, the pillow allows you to rest wherever. Deflated, the pillow decompresses and hides away for a normal hoodie appearance. The hoodies are available for about $100 on Amazon.

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      Whether you’re on a long train ride or spending days in the library, studying for finals – the naps that you need the most don’t happen in bed. That’s why Aros have developed a hoodie with a secret inflatable pillow in the hood. The wearer can inflate/deflate the pillow (made of a highly durable quiet plastic poly blend) using a valve located in the left front section of the hood. Inflated, the pillow allows you to rest wherever. Deflated, the pillow decompresses and hides away for a normal hoodie appearance. The hoodies are available for about $100 on Amazon.