The 2018 Siena International Photo Awards has received 48,000 submissions from the best photographers in 156 countries, and the judges have had an incredibly hard time deciding the winners. Nonetheless, the best pictures of 2018 have been decided, and just like in 2017 and 2016, their cool images show just how diverse our beautiful world really is.
Every year, the competition includes a special category. This time, it was entitled Splash of Colors, seeking out excellent color compositions. In total, the famous photographers competed in 11 categories, ranging from stunning landscapes to subtle portraits and cool photos of dramatic sports moments. The grand prize, the Photo of the Year award, went to Bangladeshi photographer K. M. Asad for his shot Battle Victim. Asad has been documenting the plight of the persecuted Rohingya in Myanmar for six years now, and the best photography of a young Rohingya refugee perfectly portrays the terrible human tragedy unfolding there.
Continue scrolling to check out the rest of the best picture nominees of 2018.
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El Calbuco, Chile (1st Place In The Beauty Of The Nature Category)
This photograph was taken during a violent night eruption of the Calbuco volcano in the Lagos region, Chile. An incredible dirt storm wraps the fumarole of the erupting volcano
I don't think there could be anything else which is so scary and so beautiful at same time! Mother nature at its best again!
Sharing Emotion (Remarkable Award In Fascinating Faces And Characters Category)
Arctic Fox, Usa (3rd Place In Animals In Their Environment Category)
I encountered this fox scavenging a Caribou's carcass on the coastal plains of Alaska's Arctic. I spent two hours slowly approaching it until I took this picture from six feet away, as she finished her meal. It was a surreal and unforgettable experience and a rare opportunity to be accepted into a wild animal's existence for a few special hours
What a majestic creature, the fire and passion in eyes, amazingly beautiful pink tongue and of course the cute snoot to boop!
Cosmic Wildflowers, Brazil (Honorable Mention In The beauty of the nature Category)
The 180º panorama, with the milky way in the background, magnifies a field of Paepalanthus wildflowers in the National Park of Veadeiros Tablelands
Rhino Silhouette, Kenya (Honorable Mention In Animals In Their Environment Category)
I was taking an early ride out from the camp in Masai Mara National Park, searching for the Great Migration, when I saw a rhino from far away standing beside a tree. The backlight from the early sun was too strong, so I took a silhouette instead
Underwater View Of The Winter Lofoten (Remarkable Award In The Beauty Of The Nature Categoty)
That water must be at freezing temperatures! Still, what a shot! I
Nemo In The House (Remarkable Award In Animals In Their Environment Category)
Beyond Pink, USA (Honorouble Mention In General Color Category)
Breast cancer goes beyond the month of October and the pink ribbons. This portrait is part of a series showing honest and empowering images of breast cancer
Toy Houses, Russia (1st Place In Architecture & Urban Spaces Category)
This picture of some Russian dachas near the city of Arkhangelsk is interesting thanks to the intense contrast between the colors of the houses and the white snow covering the Russian town
Imagine painting them all white and coming home one night drunk!
The Wave, Antarctica Waters (3rd Place In Journeys And Adventures Category)
In the Drake Passage, between Cape Horn and Antarctica, a 12-meter wave pounds the boat's forecastle with its enormous splashes
Camels In The Desert, Mongolia (2nd Place In General Color Category)
On the evening of October 24, 2017, in Inner Mongolia, camels and their loyal dog were creating waves of dust under the sunset's glow. This spectacular picturesque scene in the Mongolian desert was created thanks to the shadows and magnificent light cast upon the desert
Run! (Remarkable Award In Animals In Their Environment Category)
Love On The Rocks (Remarkable Award In Animals In Their Environment Category)
Joana, Dancer At The Tropicana, Sat With Her Grandmother, Cuba (Honorable Mention In Fascinating faces and characters Category)
Joana Menendez Gonzalez, a performer at the Tropicana Cabaret in Havana, sat with her maternal grandmother, proudly looking at her
Jump, Canada (Honorable Mention In Animals In Their Environment Category)
A snowy owl takes flight alarmed by the call of another female. This species gives particular care to protecting its own hunting territory
Break, Indonesia (Honorable Mention In Fascinating faces and characters Category)
During heavy work at a noodle factory in Indonesia, this man had the chance to rest for a little while. His exhausted expression is a clear sign of the extremely hard working conditions these people face every day
Mind The Gap, Antarctica (Honorable Mention In Animals In Their Environment Category)
A small group of Emperor Penguins huddles near a crack in an ice floe, in a pristine area of the Southern Ocean adjacent to Antarctica, known as the Ross Sea
They are having a party downstairs, look at those blue lights!
The Road Of Fortune, Vietnam (Honorable Mention in Splash of Colors category)
In Vietnam, red is the color of good luck and is traditionally considered the symbolic color of happiness. Joss sticks are offered at altars to obtain good business and good fortune
Battle Victim, Bangladesh (Photo Of The Year)
In Cox’s Bazar, Asmat Ara looks clearly traumatized after the recent violence which took place in Myanmar, on September 6th, 2017. The previous night she had entered Tenkhali Rohingya refugee camp with her family from Kumar Khali, Myanmar Rohingya state. According to the UNHCR, more than 646,000 Rohingya refugees have fled from Myanmar since August 25th, 2017, most of them trying to cross the border to reach Bangladesh
Killer Whale In Polar Night, Norway (Honorable Mention In Animals In Their Environment Category)
A killer whale emerges on the surface while hunting in an Arctic Norwegian fjord during the polar night
Little Nenets Nedko, Russia (Honorable Mention In Journeys and Adventures Category)
The North is a fantastic region populated by extraordinary people with a distinct culture fully adjusted to the environment of the extreme North. Despite being in the 21st century, people of the North still maintain their traditional culture, reflecting the time-honoured, close interaction between people and nature, demonstrating a genuinely caring attitude towards everything that surrounds them
Awe , I just want to give them both a big cuddle,mand ofcorse take the dog home 🙈
The Beakful Of The Hoopoe, Italy (Honorable Mention In Animals In Their Environment Category)
Looking, as usual, for the nests of the most beautiful bird species in Trentino, I unexpectedly saw this hoopoe and I immediately grasped the opportunity to photograph it
Flying On The Beach, The Netherlands (Honorouble Mention In General Color Category)
I was lying down in the cold water looking for the right position and took this picture at the exact moment when the dog was jumping high to catch the disc, almost flying in the sky
Is that a flying border collie? EDIT: Sometimes its beyond my understanding that why even such harmless comments gets downvoted? if you don't agree say so.. or if i am wrong then correct me...
Share (Remarkable Award In Fascinating Faces And Characters Category)
Drink, China (Honorable Mention In Fascinating faces and characters Category)
In a small hilltop village with water shortage problems, a little boy drinks water from a water pipe
I know that this is not what the photo is trying to say but when you're that age water always tastes better out of a pipe or hose.
Duel In The Snow (Remarkable Award In Animals In Their Environment Category)
Kid With Hand Crafts, Ethiopia (1st Place In Fascinating Faces And Characters Category)
In Ethiopia, the kids of the Suri tribe are being over-protected by their families. Imagine these metal handcrafts as a jail with a Suri kid locked inside. Young kids are the hope and inheritors of the Suri culture, but the overprotection will marginalize the new generation from the world
Kitten (Remarkable Award In Animals In Their Environment Category)
cute, but i first thought it was a baby cheetah with a REALLY long neck
Floating Market, Indonesia (1st Place In Splash Of Colors Category)
Early in the morning before sunrise up to a hundred boats meet at the colorful Lok Baintan Floating Market in Indonesia. It is one of the oldest markets in Asia where the inhabitants still trade from traditional wooden boats
Travelers, Antarctica (3rd Place In The Beauty Of The Nature Category)
A group of Chinstrap Penguins (Pygoscelis Antarctica) is resting on an iceberg. When sailing Antarctic waters you will often see different types of icebergs. Some of these floating islands are great resting places for hunting penguins who can travel many kilometers, before jumping back into the icy water
Polar Trout, Norway (Honorable Mention In The beauty of the nature Category)
A brown trout spawning in a special night atmosphere as the stars and the full moon light the scene
Giochi In Verde (Remarkable Award In The Beauty Of The Nature Category)
Migration, Saudi Arabia (2nd Place In The Beauty Of The Nature Category)
In the desert of Dahana, in the center of Saudi Arabia, Bedouins migrate with camels from place to place, searching for food and water. I took this picture while a group of nomads was passing us with their camels, creating beautiful shadows in a peaceful atmosphere
This makes me want to start singing the Arabian Nights song from Aladdin.
Cold At Surface, Norway (Honorable Mention In The beauty of the nature Category)
In the waters of Tromsø, during a freezing polar night (-18°C), a killer whale is taking a breath at the cold surface gifting us this amazing photo
Facing Reality, Pleneau Island, Antarctic Peninsula (1st Place In Animals In Their Environment Category)
A leopard seal got into a lagoon just before low tide. The seal was hiding, waiting to ambush young penguins as they got closer. When a penguin got close enough, the seal moved extremely fast and caught the penguin by its feet dragging it to the open water. I was following parallel to the action. The seal released the penguin twice and the terrified penguin succeeded in escaping, but the seal continued chasing after it, and on the third attempt, drowned the penguin and devoured it
Those seals look positively prehistoric. And have these amazing serrated teeth even a shark would envy.
Flying Fishing Nest, China (3rd Place In General Color Category)
This image is able to evoke a sense of peace, portraying a fisherman at work on the Ningde Jiuli River in Xiapu County, China, while the wind lifts his fishing nets. The special light, the sun's rays, and the wind all add up creating a magical and striking atmosphere
Redyk, Poland (Honorable Mention In Journeys and Adventures Category)
In this photo of Mizerna, in southern Poland, the traditional sheep grazing, called "Redyk", has more than 1,500 animals. From the Low Beskid Mountains, shepherds bring back the animals to the city of Nowy Targ, where the owners will take care of them during the winter. The animals will go back to the mountains in spring
Vulture And Jackal (Remarkable Award In Animals In Their Environment Category)
The Window, Costa Rica (Honorable Mention In The beauty of the nature Category)
During my stay in a hotel in Costa Rica, red-eyed frogs (Agalichnis callydrias) flooded the gardens. As I approached this one, it climbed into one of the holes and I photographed the frog as if it were sticking out of a window
Unity, Bangladesh (Honorable Mention In Animals In Their Environment Category)
Unity is the strength, as with teamwork and collaboration with which wonderful things can be achieved. Here this frog wanted to eat the ants, but its own life is at risk in the face of their unity
Ants are truely exceptionally talented masters of Teamwork. And as we know from last post on BP, except Antarctica and Arctic, they have virtually colonized entire world. Hats off to tiny masters!
Smoking An Old Woman (Remarkable Award In Fascinating Faces And Characters Category)
Snowy Ballerina (Remarkable Award In Animals In Their Environment Category)
School Of Barracuda (Remarkable Award In Animals In Their Environment Category)
The Great Eclipse, USA (Honorable Mention In The beauty of the nature Category)
This photo was taken during the total solar eclipse that happened in the USA in August 2017. It is the result of HDR stacking from 14 images
Ouch, It Is Cold (Remarkable Award In Journeys And Adventures Category)
A Giant In The Dark, Botswana (Honorable Mention In General Monochrome Category)
A close-up portrait of a bull Elephant (Loxodonta africana) captured in Chobe National Park in Botswana. A Low-Key monochrome conversion, with a blurred background, was used to add mood and achieve a more intimate portrait of this gentle giant
Game Of Colors, India (2nd Place In Splash Of Colors Category)
The Holi Festival is a yearly Indian celebration announcing the arrival of spring, with a colorful atmosphere that radiates love and happiness
I used to live in India and I miss it so much! We have neighborhood Holi parties here but it's just not the same.
Exhalation (Remarkable Award In Splash Of Colors Category)
Leap Of Leopards (Remarkable Award In Animals In Their Environment Category)
Sperm Whale Herd, Sri Lanka (3rd Place In Animals In Their Environment Category)
The sperm whales pictured here had just emerged from milling around in a gigantic cluster, with many of the whales defecating to such an extent that the water was opaque with secretions. This scene was part of a large, multi-day aggregation comprising hundreds, perhaps thousands of whales
Krishna The God Of Colours (Remarkable Award In Splash Of Colors Category)
Hyaena, Tanzania (Honorable Mention In Animals In Their Environment Category)
A hyaena is roaming in the water looking for food on a misty morning. The black and white image conveys a sense of quiet
The Twins' Gymnastics Dream, China (3rd Place In Story-Telling Category)
When I discovered these twins at a gymnastics school, I decided to capture their telepathic coordination, mutual assistance and dependence on each other in daily training. I also focused on capturing their individual differences performed in training, particularly in simple mandatory movements. I worked hard to find and capture their differences in the hope of unveiling the characteristics and forms of twins in competitive sports. The photos were mainly taken at a gymnastics school in Jining City, China. The two children were born in 2007. Their names are Liu Bingqing and Liu Yujie. 1、Before training, Liu Bingqing and Liu Yujie were running along the corridor. 2、Liu Bingqing was doing gymnastics with the help of the coach and was clearly suffering. 3、The twins were training in simple movements on the horizontal bar
Eagles Arguing, Finland (Honorouble Mention In Under 20 Category)
Two white-tailed eagles are fighting in their arctic environment in Sodankylä, Finland
The Contact (Remarkable Award In Journeys And Adventures Category)
is sad to see animals not being in the wild but some would not survive in the wild any more
The Hunt, India (2nd Place In Animals In Their Environment Category)
A young and inexperienced tiger cub attempts to hunt a chital (spotted deer) in Ranthambore National Park, India; but the chital turned out to be too big for this young cub. I captured the moment when the tiger cub was struggling to get the prey down, as his siblings and mother were watching from a distance
...meanwhile, son, there’s a very slow human squatting down on the ground who is much easier prey.
Ocean Fury, Iceland (Honorable Mention In General Monochrome Category)
After 2 days with winds blowing up to 100 Km/h, huge waves can be seen on the Icelandic West coast. Winter was ending and the snowfall alternating with the sun's rays. The challenge in obtaining this image was standing close to the cliffs in the gusts of wind
Man Carries Injured Son, Iraq (1st Place In Journeys And Adventures Category)
A heartbroken father, carrying his injured son, flees a checkpoint in West Mosul, Iraq
Thank-you George W Bush, D**k Cheney and the rest of the fossil fuel industry.
Good-Bye, Israel (Honorable Mention In The beauty of the nature Category)
A chameleon whipped out its tongue to capture a dragonfly, while I was hiding behind a bush in order not to disturb the scene. Its tongue is longer than its body, and its tip is sticky and thick
In The Melaleuca Forest, Vietnam (Honorable Mention In Journeys and Adventures Category)
A woman is collecting water chestnuts during the high tide season in the Melaleuca forest in Mekong Delta, Vietnam
Giant Serenity, Kenya (Honorable Mention In General Monochrome Category)
A female Elephant (Loxodonta africana) approaches a stream at sunset in the Northeastern part of Maasai Mara National Reserve in Kenya
Egrets Fight (Remarkable Award In Animals In Their Environment Category)
The Man Staring, Bangladesh (Honorable Mention In Journeys and Adventures Category)
This photo was taken at Tongi Railway Station, Bangladesh. A train from the country was entering the platform and as it arrived I suddenly found a pair of curious eyes staring at me through the window. The mist on the glass and the curious eyes create a dreamy atmosphere where the black umbrella represents reality - a journey towards the city full of hopes and dreams
For some strange reason, i stared at this pic for too long!
Swing, Bolivia (Honorable Mention In Journeys and Adventures Category)
Tanya is playing on a swing in the Bolivian trains cemetery, 3 km outside Uyuni. This place, where many trains were abandoned at the beginning of the 19th century, is connected to Uyuni by the old train tracks
Cannonball, Tonga (Honorable Mention In General Monochrome Category)
This is a humpback whale launching itself out of the water during an overcast, stormy day. The young whale was a little boy, showing off his skills. I took this photo with a camera modified for monochrome images
Fantastic photo, hopefully the camera man's boat was a good distance away
Fisherman At Inle Lake, Myanmar (1st Place In Under 20 Category)
This picture was captured at Inle Lake on the Shan Plateau in Myanmar. As the lake is covered with reeds and floating plants, it is difficult to row while sitting. As a result, the Intha fishermen have developed an unusual rowing style. It is amazing how people in each corner of the world find ways to adapt to nature, inspired by nature itself
Every Breath You Take, Germany (1st Place In General Color Category)
The picture was taken from 35 individual images of swimmers at the triathlon in the Duesseldorf Media Harbour in the summer of 2017. I was able to take them from above, while the athletes crossed a pedestrian bridge capturing their very individual "breathing techniques“. I was inspired by the work of Andreas Gursky; therefore, I took the individual images with the highest possible sharpness
Truit (Remarkable Award In General Color Category)
Henningsvær Football Field, Norway (2nd Place In Architecture And Urban Spaces Category)
The football field of Henningsvær, in the beautiful Lofoten Islands in Norway, is considered to be one of the most amazing football fields in Europe, and maybe even in the world
Runner, The Netherlands (1st Place In General Monochrome Category)
This photograph highlights the modern architecture of Arnhem Central Station in the Netherlands by using black and white technique and the movement of the runner in the static scene
Giants Of The Ocean, Norway (Honorable Mention In General Monochrome Category)
Two humpback whales enjoy playing during the polar night in Northern Norway
Mt. Bromo, Indonesia (Honorable Mention In The beauty of the nature Category)
This phenomenal picture was taken in Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park at sunrise. Mount Bromo's eruption, in January 2016, was highly unusual as it lasted for almost a year
Save The Last Dance, Germany (Honorouble Mention In Architecture and Urban Spaces Category)
A piano telling a story of other times, when in the 1920's couples danced to its notes. Even today, despite the dust covering it, its music echoes in the room, bringing us into an atmosphere full of charm and emotion
Free-Riders (Remarkable Award In Journeys And Adventures Category)
4 Hours Of Air Traffic, USA (Honorouble Mention In Architecture and Urban Spaces Category)
A stacked exposure showing 4 hours of air traffic departing from the N/S runways at SFO. This is one of a series, showing the frenetic pace with which these complex microcosms operate. To achieve this image, I was perched on a mountaintop 2 miles from the runway, with a super-telephoto lens, clicking exposures every time a plane departed
Winter Idyll In Everyday Life, Germany (Honorouble Mention In General Color Category)
From above, in winter, even an everyday life scene can become interesting and suggest a story
Kudos and three cheers to all hard workers out there who cleanup these roads and makes it possible to reach our destination in the comfort of warmth inside our cars!
Honey Hunters (Remarkable Award In Journeys And Adventures Category)
The Jump, USA (Honorouble Mention In Sports In Action Category)
The Red Bull Rampage, held near Zion National Park, has become one of the biggest mountain biking events every year. The event is similar to freestyle skiing and snowboarding, where competitors are judged on their choice of path down the course, their technical ability and the complexity of their tricks
People who are into extreme sports have titanium balls (both males and females)!
The Paradise Of Forgotten Hearts, Togo (Honorable Mention In Journeys and Adventures Category)
A group of children happily plays in a river from heavy rains near Mandouri (Togo, West Africa). Every year, unsafe water, coupled with a lack of basic sanitation, kills at least 1.6 million children under the age of five around the planet. Six to eight million people die annually from the consequences of disasters and water-related diseases
Gypsy Child (Remarkable Award In Fascinating Faces And Characters Category)
Traditional Coastal Cod Fishery, Norway (Honorable Mention In Journeys and Adventures Category)
An old Norwegian fisherman catching a cod the traditional way. Fishing has always been the major traditional activity for Norwegians and still holds a central place in their households and daily life
I Want To Play, Myanmar (Honorable Mention In General Monochrome Category)
A boy who lost his leg is watching his classmates playing football. He seems to be saying, "I want to play too." If only he could
Shark And Mountains (Remarkable Award In The Beauty Of The Nature Category)
The way the picture is taken, it makes the fish look like some huge prehistoric monster
Fighting, Russia (Honorouble Mention In Under 20 Category)
Two big brown bears are ferociously fighting, even though there is no prize to win
Reflection Pole Vault, Spain (1st Place In Sports In Action Category)
The pole vaulter makes his final jump, decisive to proclaim himself the winner of the event. The moment is captured in the reflection generated by the intense rains on the ground
Path Of Camels Across The Sands, Saudi Arabia (Honorable Mention In General Color Category)
From an unusually high point of view, these camels seem to trace a road across the desert dunes, projecting beautiful shadows on the sand
Roopa, Dimple And Soniya (Remarkable Award In Journeys And Adventures Category)
Order Within Density, Hong Kong (3rd Place In Under 20 Category)
This aerial photograph of Sheung Wan area questions the stereotypes of Hong Kong being claustrophobic, demonstrating the existence of a geometric order within this chaotic city
Everything is symmetrical, even the cars on the roads. This is not a real picture, it's been flipped from top to bottom and side to side!
Waiting In Limbo: Kashmir’s Half-Widow, India (Honorable Mention In Fascinating faces and characters Category)
Shamla Begum’s husband, Fathiq Nagar, was 37 years old when he was taken by strangers on his way to Baramulla, the nearest town to their village. The violence of Kashmir’s armed conflict has given rise to a category of women known as “half-widows”, whose husbands have ‘disappeared’ during the decades-long conflict
From The Cloud (Remarkable Award In Animals In Their Environment Category)
Is it wrong that i have an acute fear of Snakes? I am absolutely terrified of them always. I don't despise snakes, but they give me chills!
High Dive, Hungary (Honorouble Mention In Sports In Action Category)
A competitor makes a practice dive prior to the Men's High dive on day seventeen of the Budapest 2017 FINA World Championships in Budapest
Windows And Sculpture, France (Honorouble Mention In Splash Of Colors Category)
Windows with colorful yet abstract reflections and a Sculpture with colorful strips from La Défense business district in Paris
Young Lama In The Snowstorm, Sichuan (Honorable Mention In Fascinating faces and characters Category)
In the temple of Gerdeng, in the county of Aba, Sichuan province, young Lamas are sitting on stone steps, listening carefully to their teachers, in spite of the intense snowfall
Divine faith has many temptresses .. even nature herself. Truly a moving photo.
Headless (Remarkable Award In Sports In Action Category)
Playground, Italy (3rd Place In Splash Of Colors Category)
The art of regeneration is an urban renewal project through public art and design. "Playground" is a public basketball court located in Alessandria (Italy) designed by the Italian artist GUE. Public art is a response to urban degeneration. It can contribute to civic identity, has educational value, promotes social change, and encourages economic development. It is a way to transform a space into a place
I refuse to believe it's real. I know it is, but I still don't! Edit: Also, it's a OCD nightmare!
The Pool - Para (Remarkable Award In Sports In Action Category)
I love how the guy is so fit and dedicated. I wonder if he is an Olympian?
The Light Fantastic, United Kingdom (3rd Place In Sports In Action Category)
Athletes compete in the Men's 10,000 meters final at Hampden Park during day nine of the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games
Rohingya Exodus, Bangladesh (Honorable Mention In General Monochrome Category)
After Myanmar's army carried out the 'ethnic cleansing' of the Rohingya in Rakhine State, more than half a million people fled from the violence which included 340,000 children. After several days journey, a group of refugees reached Cox's Bazar camp in Bangladesh
Yes, this is a terrible, awful situation; but look at them all helping each other. THAT is what makes humans great.
Qasr Al-Yahud Baptismal Site, Qasr al-Yahud (Honorable Mention In Fascinating faces and characters Category)
An Eritrean Orthodox Christian pilgrim baptizes a young girl, as pilgrims celebrate Epiphany at the Qasr al-Yahud Baptismal Site, near the West Bank city of Jericho. The baptism site is where, according to the tradition, Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist. Christian tradition marks this site as the place of the 'spiritual birth' of Jesus
Circus Decay, Belgium (Honorouble Mention In General Color Category)
In this photo, evoking an old circus ring, only the elephant and the ringmaster remain... the audience left long ago
Road To Ruin, Syria (Honorable Mention In Journeys and Adventures Category)
November 2017 - According to estimates by the Civil Council, more than 8,000 mines are hidden in Raqqa. The Civil Council explores a former ISIS hospital looking for medicines that can still be used. A view from the ruined tower clock, overlooking the ruins of Raqqa, shows Abdulla al-Arian as he inspects the place
This photo conveys the heartbreaking situation of the destruction of what used to be a beautiful vibrant country
The Bear, Romania (Honorouble Mention In Under 20 Category)
Since ancient times, the bear has always represented a sacred animal. Every year, before New Year's Eve, Comanesti is filled with Romanian traditions where children wear bear furs and make noise in order to drive away evil spirits and start a bright year
If these are real bear heads and skins, then this makes this one of the worst pictures in this list
Road To Ruin, Syria (2nd Place In Story-Telling Category)
"Rubble and Delusion" A Journey Through Assad's Syria. With the fall of Aleppo, the regime of Bashar Assad once again controls the country's second-largest city. But is reconciliation possible? Follow me on a journey through the dictator's state in rubble. On an icy January evening in eastern Aleppo, a grotesque scene of destruction, five men are standing around a fire in a battered oil drum in a butcher's shop. Their trousers are dirty and their faces are covered with soot. There has been no running water for a long time. Every evening, the men come here to warm up, burning table legs and chairs from the ruins. In what is left of their apartments, there are no heating stoves. "The fear, though, is finally gone", says shop owner Ahmed Tubal. For over four years, various rebel groups have controlled the neighborhood of al-Shaar, but Syrian and Russian jets recently transformed half of the city into rubble to wipe them out. The rebels and their supporters have left the city, and following the regime's victory, only those who support Syrian President Bashar Assad have remained. "The bombing was necessary to drive out the Islamists," says Tubal, a short man with tired eyes. "Otherwise, they would never have left." The other men voice their approval. "We were so exhausted. We just wanted it to stop. And if that meant that everything had to be destroyed even further, then that was just the price we had to pay." A visit to Assad's Syria, a state in shambles, surrounding the largest cities in the West, over which the dictator has regained control thanks to Russian and Iranian support; it is like entering an apocalyptic world. Large Mercedes tractor-trailers drive water tanks through Aleppo's ruins while the streets are patrolled by armored vehicles manned by Russian soldiers. Assad can frequently be seen on television while fear can be seen in the eyes of many residents. Our journey leads us to the three largest cities in Northern and Western Syria: Aleppo; Latakia; Homs. Aleppo has become symbolic of the brutal bombing campaign. Latakia, the regime stronghold on the Mediterranean, was largely untouched by the war and is still a popular vacation spot in the summer. And Homs, once the center of the uprising, was destroyed and is now slated to become a model of reconstruction. When journalists travel through Syria, they are unable to move about freely. Officially, we are only allowed to visit places for which we have obtained written permits from Damascus. Furthermore, only people who are acceptable to the regime can be interviewed and any other meetings must take place in secret. Usually, journalists are accompanied by government minders. There is only one minder for international journalists in Aleppo, meaning that it is usually possible to speak to people without supervision. In Latakia, on the other hand, journalists have a military escort, while there are two minders in Homs. But even when minders aren't present, it isn't always easy to know if people are saying what they really think or if their words are guided by fear. It is clear what conclusion the regime would like visitors to reach: that Bashar Assad is the only one who can bring the country back together again. But what do people really think? What are the obstacles to reconciliation and reconstruction? And isn't Assad himself the greatest obstacle?" 1.Syria, January 2017 - Large parts of Homs are completely destroyed. Nevertheless, some residents come back and try to rebuild their homes. Three-quarters of Homs consists of ruins. A taxi drives through ruins. 2.Syria, January 2017 – A boy has caught a cat in East Aleppo. During the fighting, residents had hardly any food left. They paid up to 60 USD for cats to eat. 3.Syria, January 2017 – A chained dog and a boy in front of the coastal promenade in Latakia
Crossing The Border (Remarkable Award In Fascinating Faces And Characters Category)
The Human Torch (Remarkable Award In Journeys And Adventures Category)
Colors Of Joy, India (Honorouble Mention In Splash Of Colors Category)
Devotees celebrate the traditional and colorful Holi Festival at Krishna Temple in Nandgaon, India
Prada, Usa (3rd Place In Architecture And Urban Spaces Category)
This picture is from the 'Lost America series' and shows a quiet stillness in a forgotten landscape that is somehow ‘on-pause’. Spaces appear frozen in time, their inhabitants, absent or long since departed. Ardently stagnant in their appearance, the images aim to unlock a moment of reflective contemplation and instill a melancholic feeling of familiarity
This picture is old. And it is considered as an art piece. It is not a actual retail Prada store in the middle of bumfuck nowhere. I've been to this little town in Texas and it is a busy little, popular town with this listed as a tourist attraction.
Meet The Hosts - Metro Driver, Russia (Honorable Mention In Fascinating faces and characters Category)
In 2018 Russia will host the Football World Cup and the idea of my project is to portray Russian people as the hosts. All together, they convey a picture of Russia and give an insight into the Russian soul. This work is about people, their identity, their environment, their culture, and society
This picture is conveying a totally different message than what it was supposed to
Yibbum #1 (Remarkable Award In Journeys And Adventures Category)
I like the protecting rain cover coat the man outside (on the very left) had put on his hat.
Pool, The Netherlands (Honorouble Mention In General Color Category)
A symbolic image of a girl in a black swimsuit pretending to swim in an empty swimming pool
For a few seconds I thought she really was swimming because of the meter mark.
The Devotees,india (Honorouble Mention In Splash Of Colors Category)
Devotees performing the ritual of Dondi on the occasion of Chhath Puja on the banks of the River Ganges. While worshipping the Sun, they try to appease the divinity in order to prosper in the future
Derby Goal, Sweden (Honorouble Mention In Sports In Action Category)
Nils-Eric Johansson scores the opening goal during the match of the Swedish championship between AIK and Hammarby at Friends Arena of Solna
This man is not only a danger to the US, but to the entire world. As an article in Rolling Stone says, “Nobody had high hopes for Trump’s environmental policy. He had, after all, said climate change was a hoax and sent out more than 100 skeptic tweets even before running for president. But the speed, recklessness and spite with which his administration has sought to upend environmental protections has been breathtaking. Climate change aside, even the common-sense need to protect the air we breathe and the water we drink is being challenged as the administration has unleashed a slew of regulatory rollbacks. And his science-denying, fossil-fuel-fetishising policies couldn’t come at a worse time — the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has just published its most dire report yet, advising that if we don’t get to zero carbon emissions by 2050, we’ll blow past a 1.5 C temperature rise, the threshold for disaster.”
So beautiful! I would love to have the vision of these talented photographers!
This man is not only a danger to the US, but to the entire world. As an article in Rolling Stone says, “Nobody had high hopes for Trump’s environmental policy. He had, after all, said climate change was a hoax and sent out more than 100 skeptic tweets even before running for president. But the speed, recklessness and spite with which his administration has sought to upend environmental protections has been breathtaking. Climate change aside, even the common-sense need to protect the air we breathe and the water we drink is being challenged as the administration has unleashed a slew of regulatory rollbacks. And his science-denying, fossil-fuel-fetishising policies couldn’t come at a worse time — the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has just published its most dire report yet, advising that if we don’t get to zero carbon emissions by 2050, we’ll blow past a 1.5 C temperature rise, the threshold for disaster.”
So beautiful! I would love to have the vision of these talented photographers!