Woman Shocked After Realizing Her $700 Hairless Sphynx Cat Is Actually A Regular Cat That Was Shaved
Someone in Alberta is scamming buyers by selling them shaved kittens as if it were of the hairlesss and expensive Sphynx breed. Although at first the shaved kittens looked similar to Sphynx, their hair grew back in a few weeks, leaving the owners in shock. It turned out that the hairlessness was not a product of breeding, but of abuse. The cruel scammers pluck out the whiskers and use razor or hair removal creams on baby cats. “I thought he was crying for his mom, but he probably was in pain”, JoAnne Dyck, one of the people who paid $700 for a fake Sphynx, told CBC news.
The baby cat named Vlad was dropped off at Dyck’s Red Deer, Alberta, home. “It looked like a Sphynx because he was very, very skinny and his face was really angular.”
Dyck’s soon noticed that the cat behaved very different and didn’t get along with her other Sphynx cats, so she sold Vlad to some other woman. “Me and her talked back and forth the next couple of days about him, because he wasn’t seeming to really calm down. And she took him into the vet and the vet said the cuts on his skin were most likely caused by razor burn or Nair or something like that,” says Dyck.
It also turned out that the cuts on the tail were so infected, it could have led to an amputation. Fortunately, Vlad is safe and sound now, still living with a woman who purchased him from Dyck.
(h/t: cbcnews)
Someone in Alberta is scamming buyers by selling them shaved kittens as if they were hairlesss Sphynx
The hair of purchased kittens grew back in a few weeks, leaving the owners in shock
“I thought he was crying for his mom, but he probably was in pain”
The cruel scammers pluck out the whiskers and use razors or hair removal creams on baby cats
One of the kittens was so injured during a hair removal procedure, it nearly lead to his tail being amputated
Shayla Bastarache, one of the scam victims – the black cat was sold as a Sphynx for $650
Share on FacebookThe scammers only make money because idiots create a market by purchasing over priced merchandise, in this case cats, and the scammers take advantage of it. guess what? If no one was interested in $1000 (or whatever) cat no one would be able to sell it..
Some people are just allergic to cats with hair, it's kinda nice they can enjoy a cats company with this special breed. It's weird you turn this scam around blaming the victims instead of the ones cruel enough to pluck whiskers from kittens.
Load More Replies...How someone can be soo cruel to such beautiful, innocent creatures is beyond me.
Adopt a mutt cat from the shelter... there are so many wonderful cats that need homes.
The scammers only make money because idiots create a market by purchasing over priced merchandise, in this case cats, and the scammers take advantage of it. guess what? If no one was interested in $1000 (or whatever) cat no one would be able to sell it..
Some people are just allergic to cats with hair, it's kinda nice they can enjoy a cats company with this special breed. It's weird you turn this scam around blaming the victims instead of the ones cruel enough to pluck whiskers from kittens.
Load More Replies...How someone can be soo cruel to such beautiful, innocent creatures is beyond me.
Adopt a mutt cat from the shelter... there are so many wonderful cats that need homes.