When first encountering my art I want my viewers to see an animal in motion such as horses galloping out from a gallery wall, or dolphins swimming above, or polar bear family diving for fish. I want to share the imagination of what it might feel like to gallop like a horse and feel the wind going through my mane, or to swim like a dolphin and feel the water and sunlight against my fins.
When the viewers get up close to my sculpture, it becomes apparent that these animals are made of plastic kitchen items and other household objects. You might even have the same identical spoon or spatula in your kitchen drawer. Upon further inspection viewers may notice that many of the objects are stained or bent, because these are all second hand items bought from thrift stores and collected from friends and family.
I call my style “3D Impressionism”. I use plastic objects like brush strokes in a painting by Van Gogh. The plastic items are my collaborators, and they inform the aesthetic decisions I make as well as educate me about environmental issues.
More info: sayakaganz.com
Share on FacebookWhen I look at the horses, I can 'feel' the wind sweeping by. Brilliant work!
I love these!!! The Dolphins and the whale look like blown glass! I never would've guessed that my plastic fork could be so beautiful!
I have campaigned against litter waste and for recycling all my life - respect using the materials like this love it
When I look at the horses, I can 'feel' the wind sweeping by. Brilliant work!
I love these!!! The Dolphins and the whale look like blown glass! I never would've guessed that my plastic fork could be so beautiful!
I have campaigned against litter waste and for recycling all my life - respect using the materials like this love it