81 Satirical Illustrations Show Our Addiction To Technology
Modern technologies have definitely benefited our lives - from medical care to work efficiency, communication to space exploration, offering solutions to our world problems. And we just couldn't imagine our lives without it any longer. But with great benefits come many disadvantages. With the rise of the Internet, smartphones, and other similar devices, we are permanently connected to the cyberspace, whether we like it or not. And though it has made our lives more comfortable and entertaining, it has also made us dependable on modern technology and social media. Being online all time is not only possible, but it is also the de facto state for many.
With it comes one of the newest of society problems - social media addiction. It might sound improbable, but depression, unrealistic life expectations, and negative body image are just a few social media effects. And with it being recognized as a real addiction, people now can undergo a social media detox, re-shaping their habits.
The list below of satirical illustrations highlight some of the impacts of social media and general addiction to technology. Scroll down to see for yourself; hopefully, you will not be able to recognize yourself in these drawings, or if you do, it's never too late to get help.
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People are becoming more Hikikomori & Facebook becomes your Window to the world outside the confimes of our homes
Let's Play!
The demise of Spelling, Grammar, and Literature due to increasing use of abbreviations and funky spellings (e.g. "in2" instead of "into")
Crossing The Road
Yep. I can't tell you how many times I have seen people almost get run over. One time a guy had to grab another guy and pull him back so he would not be hit!
Modern Tan
And yet this is a post that's on an app that you are most likely looking at on a mobile device of some sort. Oh the irony...
Satirical Illustrations
Weirdo On The Subway
Wonder What's On The Tv Tonight
Can't Escape
Къде е времето преди мобилните телефони и социални мрежи, които ни оплитат със своята асоциалност и интровертност?
Free drugs, cheap sex Fake tans, big breasts High times, pimped rides Lost days to blackout nights I need this, I need that I'm not complete with what I have If I do this, If I buy that I'll get mine, I'll get mine I want, I want, I want Empty me, empty nation Emptied us of inspiration Bastard sons and broken daughters All bow down to our corporate father In my iLife, in my iWorld On my iPhone, with my iGirl Just one bite to understand Even Eve couldn't live without the iPlan Mr. MTV - nothing more
Never Alone
Meet people for coffee, lunch, take a walk. Get involved In charity. Many people are more depressed when they only use a cell phone.
Valentine's Day
Oh, goodness, I have seen couples doing this in restaurants/coffee shops quite often!
i lost my phone and i never got a new one because i realized how much of a slave it made me
Let's Take A Photo
It's fascinating how much of today's videos are schadenfreude for the wider, whiter masses, EXACTLY as this image shows. Yes, it's disgustingly true.
You've Got Mail
We need more places like this to help people who want to be free but have no support!
Repair A Small Part Of Facebook Poison
Jesus Christ
Live Screening
New Tan
After And Before
Before Instagram
Let's See Outdoors
Self Service
I like to think that my refusal to use self-checkout helps keep the cashiers employed.
Satirical Illustrations
Satirical Illustrations
Fine Dining
Seriously, I don't believe that many people have any interest in my online life. Or regular life, for that matter.
Satirical Illustrations
Apple Watch
Modern Living
I actually don't get this one. Is it that social media promotes violence?
Taking Pictures
TV Sport
Satirical Illustrations
Prayer Before Dinner
Reality! It' makes me ill to see this and be surrounded by this any time I want to go out to eat. Restaurants full of Smombies.
really hate to see people smoke and throw their life away for some flavoured air!!!
something in your eye
Satirical Illustrations
Satirical Illustrations
Such a depressing feeling! I'm of the age where I'll check texts while dining w/people (b/c I have kids), but only answer important one's. Otherwise, it's incredibly rude & disrespectful to use a phone in social situations!
Tv Relax
Can't Live Without Smartphone
ark for the singles
Satirical Illustrations
Satirical Illustrations
I know they're not widely used anymore, but it still makes me sad to see all the payphones go.
modern hunter
Then And Now
coming of communication went as far as I can remember writing letters, communicating in person, to pagers, computers, phones, laptops, now the watch phone.
Seems as if starting of time of technology, the system started off big the carry-on phone in car after house phone seems took off from there small to large now back to small and watches.
I'm so tired of these stupid "technology addiction" posts. Get over it, it's not changing and by making this you're only showing your "addiction" aswell because you spent plenty of time creating these digital images and uploading them to a social site
Also it's nothing 'personal' towards this one but I've seen like a dozen or two and had to go on a mini-rant, it happened to be this one
Load More Replies...I really don't agree. I'm sure the people who made these posted them on social media. And they took the time to post it here, didn't they? Quite the hypocrites to be honest.
Of course they did how else are we supposed to see there message post photos around town just hoping we see them
Load More Replies...This really shows the truth about how technology affects our lives! This is a good way to get people to see how bad it can be.
I'm so tired of these stupid "technology addiction" posts. Get over it, it's not changing and by making this you're only showing your "addiction" aswell because you spent plenty of time creating these digital images and uploading them to a social site
Also it's nothing 'personal' towards this one but I've seen like a dozen or two and had to go on a mini-rant, it happened to be this one
Load More Replies...I really don't agree. I'm sure the people who made these posted them on social media. And they took the time to post it here, didn't they? Quite the hypocrites to be honest.
Of course they did how else are we supposed to see there message post photos around town just hoping we see them
Load More Replies...This really shows the truth about how technology affects our lives! This is a good way to get people to see how bad it can be.