23 Honest Love Cards For Couples With A Sense Of Humor (Part 2)
Love is universal, but different people like to express it differently. If you and your significant other share a good sense of humor, you'll love these hilarious and sarcastic love cards from Someecards. Their romantic greeting cards have the same hilarious blend of vintage characters making decidedly modern observations.
Upvote your favorite love cards, and share them with your loved ones as well!
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Romantic Cards
Romantic Cards
Romantic Cards
Romantic Cards
Romantic Cards
Romantic Cards
Romantic Cards
Romantic Cards
Romantic Cards
Romantic Cards
Romantic Cards
Romantic Cards
Romantic Cards
Romantic Cards
Romantic Cards
Romantic Cards
Romantic Cards
Romantic Cards
Romantic Cards
I like how every image has some thumbsups and the last one is like minus 23 ,like ,,I expected something,whyyy!!!?"
I like how every image has some thumbsups and the last one is like minus 23 ,like ,,I expected something,whyyy!!!?"