Owner Tired Of Rude Customers Puts Up Genius Bar Sign To Teach Them A Lesson, And It Works Instantly
Roanoke coffee shop owner Austin Simms was fed up with rude customers so he decided to do something about it.
“I decided because I need to solve all the injustices of the world to start charging more for people who didn’t take the time to say hello and connect and realize we’re all people behind the counter,” Simms told WDBJ. So he put up a sign in front of his coffee shop indicating their new pricing policy. To his surprise, the sign went viral with a bunch of cameras showing up and it ended up in the newspaper! Keep on scrolling to check it out.
Coffee shop owner Austin Simms was fed up with rude customers so he decided to do something about it
“I decided <…> to start charging more for people who didn’t take the time to say hello and connect and realize we’re all people behind the counter,” Simms said
So he put up a sign in front of his coffee shop indicating their new pricing policy
The sign went viral with a bunch of positive responses
Watch this video for more about the viral sign:
Share on FacebookI'm with the person who said $10 if you're talking on the phone while oderibg
I know places where people on the phone are sent to the back of the line if they try to order and babble at the same time. It's amazing how fast that learning curve happens.
Load More Replies...Outstanding! It helps promote civility, this should be applied everywhere. However, this does not "solve all the injustices of the world". For that, you need to wear a suit with a big "S" on it. ;D
The best part of politeness - it is free. It costs nothing. Your please, your thank could actually save a life, literally. Have an awesome day further. :-)
Load More Replies..."Please" and "thank you" should be automatic. Mom drummed good manners into me and my brother, and we have done the same with our kids. When my son was in high school, he told me that he ordered a coffee from the student cafe, and the girl behind the counter said, "You're the first person who's said 'please' all day!"
ImfromAlabama...if I didn't use my manners I got spanked.....yes ma'am and yes sir we're for everyone.....even total strangers.....
I'm with the person who said $10 if you're talking on the phone while oderibg
I know places where people on the phone are sent to the back of the line if they try to order and babble at the same time. It's amazing how fast that learning curve happens.
Load More Replies...Outstanding! It helps promote civility, this should be applied everywhere. However, this does not "solve all the injustices of the world". For that, you need to wear a suit with a big "S" on it. ;D
The best part of politeness - it is free. It costs nothing. Your please, your thank could actually save a life, literally. Have an awesome day further. :-)
Load More Replies..."Please" and "thank you" should be automatic. Mom drummed good manners into me and my brother, and we have done the same with our kids. When my son was in high school, he told me that he ordered a coffee from the student cafe, and the girl behind the counter said, "You're the first person who's said 'please' all day!"
ImfromAlabama...if I didn't use my manners I got spanked.....yes ma'am and yes sir we're for everyone.....even total strangers.....