Women and little kids have one thing in common - crying spontaneously for the weirdest reasons ever (no offense, ladies). Remember the time you first saw Barrack Obama? Crying. The time meeting Iron Man out of this costume? Sobbing. Having to eat a plate of veggies? Bawling your eyes out. These and many other reasons are absolutely reasonable to set a kid crying, and they have been documented in a website called 'Reasons My Son Is Crying' by Greg Pembroke. He collects photos of funny babies sent from parents around the world and posts them on his website. He's even made a book on crying for no reason, which you can buy on Amazon!
So whenever you have a temper tantrum about the fact that you cannot fit all the crayons in one hand, remember that there's probably a funny kid who also feels the same. Have more examples of why do babies cry? Add your picture and quote to our list below, and don't forget to vote!
More info: reasonsmysoniscrying.com | Amazon
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He met Iron Man... out of costume
She met Barack Obama
I told her Darth Vader was the bad guy
She found out that I have a name other than "Mum"
He met Bill Murray
He doesn't want to go (even though we've repeatedly told him we're not going anywhere)
Someone ate all the muffins (it was him)
Microwave ate his lunch
Miley was on TV
I wouldn't let him eat the rest of the football
His dinner isn't ready
I told her she can't marry daddy (...or her brother)
Seems legit, I wanted to marry my mom when I was her age. And I'm a straight girl.
I said "good morning"
He couldn't fit all the crayons in one hand
Frustration is possibly the worst emotion a child can have. Chin up, little one. Things get better.
The dog was in the way while he was trying to push the chair
Her brother joined her for breakfast
I wouldn't let him finish eating dirt
I wouldn't let her wipe my butt
I told him he could not take his unwrapped tampon out to run errands
If I were his mom I would show that picture to his future girlfriend
The muffins didn't come out of the oven cold
He Can’t Find His Rubber Ducky
He got stuck
We took her to a Justin Bieber concert
I told him we couldn't keep it as a pet
Can't imagine his state when you told him you were going to boil it alive in the most cruel way... -_-
He didn't want to share his leg hole
I wanted to put his used nappy in the bin
He thought that if he colored himself green he would grow into the incredible hulk
She keeps dropping her fork
I can't fix his cracker
....maybe he's crying because he thought that mothers could fix everything XD. At least I heard that almost everyone believes their mother could fix things at some point in our lives
I told him he couldn’t go trick or treating in March
She dropped a receipt we got from the gas station
I won't let her wash her face with the sponge that I use to clean the toilet
He wasn't allowed to electrocute himself
He doesn’t want the banana he wasn’t offered
I Broke This Cheese In Half
He has a cereal bar in his left hand but he wants the cereal bar in his RIGHT hand
He discovered that his soup was homemade
I wouldn't let him lick the doormat
I wouldn't give him beer
I said he couldn't take the store's display wagon full of pink socks home
I won't let her wear dirty underwear as a hat
If it's hers, let her. Then promptly photograph it and print it on the top of her sweet 16 birthday cake ;)
She wouldn’t fit through the doggy door (note the open door right next to her)
They received new hats
Her ice cream cake was cold
We said she couldn't have more bacon
I said that her sweater looked so soft and comfy
The goat ate the goat food from his hand
I told him he was too young to watch Breaking Bad
The neighbor's dog isn't outside
There are only "ugly" outfits left in her drawers
I picked up the cat poop off the floor without her
She walked in on me changing
She got inside the locker and couldn't figure out how to get back out
She had to brush her teeth
I would not open the string cheese for her. It was a tampon
Haha....my son saw me carrying a tampon when he was younger and got mad bc I didn't give him any string cheese!
I wouldn't walk across "the bridge"
T-Rex’s jaw is not big enough to bite this Lego-man’s head
I told him he doesn't need sunscreen when it's raining
I threw out his dirty band-aid... a month ago
Anna Kendrick's "Cups" song is on the radio, and I didn't have a cup to give her
frankly, i would cry too if this song was on the radio and i didn't have any cups to play it with. lol
There was a hotdog hidden in his cornbread
He can’t reach the pennies. They’re too far away
He can’t get down
His brother is also on a swing
She doesn't want to come out
I wouldn't let him get a tattoo
I'm cooking her eggs instead of feeding them to her raw
He wasn't allowed to pee on the rocks
He asked when he could be a baby again. I told him "never"
He put himself in timeout... For no reason
He could not hold the railing and his cereal in the same hand at the same time
I refused to let him continue to play in his own vomit
She Wanted To Travel Inside The Suitcase
He cut his own hair
She can’t hold all three drinks at once
He got stuck under the barstool
She wasn't allowed in the mosh pit
I won't let him spray the trees with sunscreen
I wouldn't let him get me a beer
I told my 5 year old that the (18-24M) lobster costume might be too small on him
Never tried a size too small for you, mom ? Thinking that whatever happen, it will fit ? Yep, we all did...
I washed the dirt and sand off his pear
I threw away the gum he was chewing... that he found on the side of a trashcan in Old Navy
He couldn't open this bag of cereal with a fork
The goldfish came from the wrong place in the pantry
The Easter Bunny brought her an Easter basket
I stirred his "fruit on the bottom" yogurt
I asked him how he was doing
I Wouldn't Let Her Eat The Maxi Pad
I turned off the TV because it was time to leave for Walt Disney World
I'm not in the pool with him
Aaawww...that's the first reasonable thing to cry on from this list!
The Tacos Weren't Ready.
I told him not to eat the power cord to my breast pump
I told her to stop playing with the trash
We took the core out of his apple
I wouldn't let him use the toothbrush he had just dropped in the toilet
He can't drink the Easter egg dye
Isn't that just vinegar and food coloring? Let him try it, at worst his mouth would be a different color for a bit.
I wrapped his Hannukah present
I wouldn't let her eat Sriracha
The Wrapper Had A Weird Taste ( She Had No Idea What Chocolate Was )
She Couldn't Go To The Potty With Her Brother
1% of these are legit problems (even if they only think they are - they're "stuck" etc.) 1% are spoiled. The other 98% just need a nap.
I've seen a baby cry when people were complimenting him and he somehow mistook it as criticism
1% of these are legit problems (even if they only think they are - they're "stuck" etc.) 1% are spoiled. The other 98% just need a nap.
I've seen a baby cry when people were complimenting him and he somehow mistook it as criticism