My name is Sidrit Vaqari. I’ve been sculpting and making pipes for 18 years now. Every epic character inspired me to carve this kind of pipes but Lord of the Rings & the Hobbit are my favorites. I love Gandalf!

So Gandalf is my inspiration… I put all my works on my Instagram account so you can check them out there.

More info: Instagram


    It took me about 250 hours to finish this epic character smoking pipe

    It’s made from a block of briar wood which is 50 years old

    It is a very strong wood… The older, the stronger

    So I turned it into a Smaug pipe and I used only knives to carve this wood

    After a month of work, the pipe is almost completed


    It was a really difficult character!

    Finally completed, added a black arrow for tamper to put tobacco into the pipe

    Some of my other pipe designs (Gimli son of Gloin in progress)

    Gandalf pipe


    Davy Jones pipe design

    Darth Maul and Gimli son of Gloin


    Darth Maul pipe

    Gandalf the white smoking pipe


    The pipe team (Michelangelo’s Moses, David, and E. A. Poe)