22 Random Acts of Kindness That Will Restore Your Faith In Humanity
Ever seen the movie “Pay it Forward”? The one where a boy decides to be paying a favor not back, but forward – repaying good deeds not with payback, but with new good deeds done to three new people. There is something just so powerful about unexpected acts of kindness that even the least emotional people can’t stay untouched by such acts. Stories of doing something selfless for strangers are still rare enough to make the headlines or go viral on the Internet.
With Christmas getting closer, the holiday mood can be spread in more ways than just buying gifts of decorating a tree. Sparing a couple of minutes to do at least a small kind deed will not only cheer up somebody else, but also leave you with a very rewarding feeling as well. If you gather a group of friends, maybe you could even organize something bigger? Let us know if you do! In the meantime, here are some random acts of kindness that left us teary-eyed. Take a look!
1. Rescuing a Kitten During War
Despite having seen all the atrocities of war, this soldier still took the time to feed a kitten with a pipette to rescue him. (Image credits: imgur.com)
2. Pre-paid Vending Machine Treat
Somebody decided to make a treat for a stranger and left change for some sweet goodies, taped on a vending machine. (Image credits: imgur.com)
3. Fixing A Ruined Mailbox
Not everyone who knocks something down runs away from it – sometimes they just leave to come back with the tools to fix the mess. (Image credits: unknown)
4. Afghan Offers Tea to Soldiers
Afghan man offers tea to thirsty fighting American soldiers. Notice the second cup in his hand and another soldier in the background. (Image credits: imgur.com)
5. Free Electricity
Thousands of people were left without electricity when hurricane Sandy hit the East Coast. People allowed strangers to charge their phones to let the relatives know they were alright. (Image credits: imgur.com)
6. Everyone Enjoying a Concert Equally
Fans hold up a handicapped friend in Korn concert in Moscow. (Image credits: imgur.com)
7. Kittens Rescued from a Flood
A villager carries kittens on a basket towards dry land as he wades through floodwaters, followed by the mother of the kittens, on the outskirts of Cuttack city (Image credits: newshopper.sulekha.com)
8. Apologetic Crying Babies on Flight
Brilliant and thoughtful parents handed these out to everyone on their flight. (Image credits: imgur.com)
9. iPhone Found and Returned
An iPhone was found in a grass, and because of it being locked, an old school road sign poster was the only way to go. (Image credits: imgur.com)
10. Thirsty Koala Rescue
At 40 degrees Celsius in Australia , it was so hot for a week that Koalas were asking people for water. (Image credits: panoramio.com)
11. Free Drycleaners for Job Hunters
When you want something bad enough, the whole world helps you get it. Local dry cleaners decided to help the unemployed look sharp on their job interviews. (Image credits: quipster.wordpress.com)
12. Runner Helps out a Competitor
Ohio track star carries runner across finish line at state competition. (Image credits: huffingtonpost.com)
13. Kangaroo Rescued from Flood
Man risked his life to rescue a kangaroo in Queensland’s floods. (Image credits: heraldsun.com.au)
14. Boys Wish Heard by Sainsbury’s
Sainsbury’s officially changes name of tiger variety after three-year-old’s letter goes viral. (Image credits: dailymail.co.uk)
15. Free Meals for the Homeless
Faith in corporate humanity. (Image credits: reddit.com)
16. Puppies Rescued from a Flood
A man carries puppies back inside their house as other dogs stay on the roof at a flooded area in Marikina City, east of Manila, Philippines. (Image credits: news.nationalpost.com)
17. Fireman Fighting for a Kitten
A firefighter administering Oxygen to a cat rescued from a house fire. (Image credits: imgur.com)
18. Baby Lamb Rescued from Ocean
Two Norwegian guys rescuing a baby lamb drowning in the ocean. (Image credits: imgur.com)
19. Boots for a Homeless Man
New York police officer gives boots to barefoot man. (Image credits: nytimes.com)
20. Wallet Found and Returned
A guy found a wallet of the previous holder of a rented car and mailed it to him. (Image credits: imgur.com)
21. Puppy Joins the Marines
After following the Marines numerous miles, a soft-hearted marine picked the puppy up and carried the puppy in his drop pouch. (Image credits: CTMphotovideo)
22. Experienced Parents Support a Young Family
Some experienced parents can really sympathize with couples who are struggling with their first-borns: one family was especially kind to make the new parents feel some support. (Image credits: imgur.com)
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