This Man Rescued An Injured Condor, Now The Bird Keeps Coming Back To Say ‘Thanks’
Edgar is a simple rancher from Loncopué in Argentina who is currently living a Disney-like moment by befriending a bird. And not just any bird, but a massive condor whom he found in the yard of his house and has been helping to grow for the last few months.
“One day in March he appeared here alone and with a broken leg,” Edgar said in an interview. “We were healing him from an injury that did not seem to be serious and from that day he approaches me every time I call him.”
“When I contacted wildlife people they told me it was a male bird who is believed to have been born in October last year and apparently had lost contact with his parents,” the man shared about his new friend whom he affectionately calls ‘Condorito.’
While the rancher is excited about the whole story, he reiterated that he was not trying to domesticate the bird as the condor belongs in the wild.
This week the bird began to fly and is slowly moving from Edgar’s house. “It keeps appearing, but less and less, which is what we expected,” he said. Still, the rancher is happy he was able to help the bird.
(h/t: imneuquen)
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Share on FacebookObviously the person who translated this text from Spanish into English did not realize that "simple" in English usually has a bad connotation when describing people. The person should have said "ordinary" to avoid confusion.
Load More Replies...This bird is amazing. It's great seeing that it loves being pet and hugged like that! But now I'm jealouse of that man that he gets the opportunity to do so
Obviously the person who translated this text from Spanish into English did not realize that "simple" in English usually has a bad connotation when describing people. The person should have said "ordinary" to avoid confusion.
Load More Replies...This bird is amazing. It's great seeing that it loves being pet and hugged like that! But now I'm jealouse of that man that he gets the opportunity to do so