People Make Anti-Logos To Urge Sponsors To Withdraw From Qatar 2022 World Cup
FIFA's decision to hold the 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar is drawing more and more criticism as more and more allegations of everything from bribery and financial mismanagement to slavery and deadly work conditions pile up. 900 workers have died during construction for the Qatar world cup, and some estimate that this number will rise to 4,000 before they're finished.
Migrant workers' passports are often confiscated upon entry into Qatar, and they require exist visas to leave. Many reports indicate that these workers cannot leave the country and that their employers can hold back pay almost indefinitely. This has hit Nepalese workers especially hard recently, as many of them have been refused the chance to return home after the earthquakes that devastated Nepal. The intense heat in Qatar (which can reach 50C – or 122F) not only makes things hard on the laborers, it also means that the actual cup had to be moved to the winter, which will disrupt other sports organizations around the world.
A few people have begun drawing and sharing anti-advertisements featuring major sponsors that continue to support the World Cup. Take a look!
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Coca Cola
Using brands like Visa to promote freedom? Visa and Mastercard who together control more than 95% of the payment card market in 2014 REFUSED to let customers give financial support to WikiLeaks. WikiLeaks is 1000 times more freedom than Visa. At least they provide us with the truth.
stop this and all other non human,animal & planet friendly actions. If we choose not to eat, you will be beat.
I love the way you played with coca colas own shapes and saw something new in it. Youve got a creative eye let me tell you..
Consumers - Unaware Of Their Power!
This one is spot on: it is the public that, with their choices and purchases, decise what continues and what ends. To the top you go!
When You Need To Escape, You Need A Visa.
They Lose
No, I don't think you understand the purpose - it is to draw attention to the human rights abuses in Qatar by parodying their sponsors corporate logos, to highlight that these corporations are effectively funding human rights abuses and therefore those people who purchase items from these companies are also funding them.
#11 Coca-cola
Visa Life Takes Away
Adidas #therewillbehaters
This picture looks like a shot from the movie 'Stoning of Soraya'
Migrant Slaves At Work
Adidas - Fifa World Cup Sponsor - Qatar 2022
Adidas - Migrant
Fifa. Supporting The Human Rights Violation In Qatar.
Sepp Blatter And Fifa Supporting The Human Rights Violation In Qatar.
War I'm Lovin It, Kris Kind, 2008
This is about human rights, not war. One thing might lead to the other, but this one doesn't make sense int his context.
Anti Fifa Logo
Coke For Quatar 2022
Go Home
Boycott Fifa 2022
Mc Donalds
Howdy Partner!
A New Low: The Exxon Blood Spill
A New Low: The Exxon Blood Spill
A Giant Leap
doubt anything will change...too much money to be made for these companies
doubt anything will change...too much money to be made for these companies