I Use Art When I Feel The Urge To Help People Surviving Psychological Abuse
“I met this girl, she was compassionate, showed love for others and animals, she was polite to a point of excess and apologetic for no reason. She was nice to others that were not nice to her. However, there was this something about her – she even felt sorry for those that gifted her verbal abuse and psychological shackles to enforce co-dependence.”
The following black and white drawings were created by Red Maiden Art (Kate Evans – Me, Myself & I) to converse about the social issues surrounding the warped world that my subject was trapped in. We did not know what narcissism was, we were not aware that there was another way, wishes for change, to end the torment.
I am not the one to write an essay about mental health, I see my art as a type of blogging, expelling what repeats within my subconsciousness, resonating deep. It’s making me feel the urge to help, to do something. I will not go into details about how I created this powerful art or why I chose not to use an alternative medium. I painted 23 unique artworks of a girl who was as alive as her perspective upon reality.
If you know somebody that has been bullied or experienced psychological abuse – talk to them, help them. Nobody has the right to act like they own another person, to be hateful, to justify abusing another. Being nice is a choice and everybody has that choice when they wake up each day.
More info: Facebook
Seeing is Believing
Heavy Steps
Nothing to Hold on to
Not a Clue Amidst Many
upon apon an unseen clue
The key to you
Paper Boat
The Connection
Share on FacebookThis is mesmerizing to me, but a bit hard to look at because it resonates in me. Thank you for sharing this work.
Your work strikes me and triggers memories of once upon a time. I was that girl and he was that man. It is Eerie to see it drawn from someone else yet mimics my exact experiences. The people even resemble us. It sends shivers up my spine. Thank you for sharing those pieces. Are any for purchase?
This is mesmerizing to me, but a bit hard to look at because it resonates in me. Thank you for sharing this work.
Your work strikes me and triggers memories of once upon a time. I was that girl and he was that man. It is Eerie to see it drawn from someone else yet mimics my exact experiences. The people even resemble us. It sends shivers up my spine. Thank you for sharing those pieces. Are any for purchase?