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    French pool trick shot specialist Florian ‘Venom’ Kohler defies gravity with a combination of artistry and skill. Floriant first picked up a cue at the age of 18 when he received a mini-pool table for his birthday. Looking to entertain himself on his free time, Kohler started imitating trick shots from videos on the internet. Soon, these started to get too easy, so Venom went on to create his own tricks. Within two years, he was competing against trick shot pool pros that had been playing since before he was born.

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      French pool trick shot specialist Florian ‘Venom’ Kohler defies gravity with a combination of artistry and skill. Floriant first picked up a cue at the age of 18 when he received a mini-pool table for his birthday. Looking to entertain himself on his free time, Kohler started imitating trick shots from videos on the internet. Soon, these started to get too easy, so Venom went on to create his own tricks. Within two years, he was competing against trick shot pool pros that had been playing since before he was born.