Photoshop This Newly Released Untouched Portrait Of Kim Jong-un (UPDATE)
North Korea just released a bunch of high-res portraits of their leaders, including Kim Jong Un. Interestingly, they appear to be missing something everyone expected - signs of retouching. Let's correct this mistake and give some proper Photoshop treatment. There's a similar PS battle on reddit, but I think we can do better!
UPDATE: we've made it guys! Our contest is featured on Huffpost, Washington Post and hundreds of other websites.

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Respect Mah Authoritah
Teenage Mutant Ninja
Kim, Just Kim
Can You Do It?
Kim Jump Up
Break The Internet, Kim!
Different Career Choice
Characteristic.... :p
Queen Kimijonga
Lord Kim Jong-Emort
The Democratic Republic Of Drumpf
Kim The Tank Engine
Himalyan Version
Drag Kim
Kim Kahlo
Out Of His Human Form
Would You Nuke Me? I'd Nuke Me
Kim Bastard
Can I Be Excused For The Rest Of My Life?
Kim Jongoll Um
A Few Unnoticeable Fixes
Captain Korea
Monster Inc.
Jamaican Style
Captain Kim Sparrow
Kim Potter
An Alien
Big Kim
On His Way To Becoming A Hipster
Lil' Kim
The Korea Kid
Wax on! Wax off!! Don't forget to breath! Breathing is important lol
Call Me, Number One
Kim Jong Ew
Just Swimming
OMG!! That's just too good! Lol. In the words of 'Little Britain' "I'm a laaady"!
Yearbook Photo Kim Jong
Pyongyang Confidential - Starring Kim Bas Ing Er
Hello Kimmy
Perio Kim
Kim Double Moustache-on
Kim Jong-bun
Kim Jong Stoned
Kim Jong-dachs-un (dinner On My Mind)
Mona Kim
Kim Jong-buu
Flat Top
Majestic Moustache
Kim Teletubbie Um
The Bloodsucker
Kim Wrong
Dear Leader
Handi Un
Big Baby.....eyes?
Just a BIG BABY, Having Christmas Early! Nothing to see here, Now March Along..."The Path we make or else"!
Kim Jong Trump
Think Bigger
Like A Legend
Kimberly Royale
Moustache Make A Difference
Ohh...the Horror!
... After
Big Cry Baby
Kim Joker Un
Short Round
Kim Jon Uhhhhhhh!
Bread Lines Are Great!
U No Has Cheezberger
This is the most realistic one. This is actually happening in North Korea.
Weeding By Guilherme Augusto Kim
Bad Ass Kim
Komo Lo Zupo Kim?
American Kim
What are they combining with Kim Jong Un's photo to create this?
When You See The Booty
Big Cry Baby
Cheech & Chong Up In Smoke!
Kim Jong Un... Da-rodman
Kim Jong Un… Da-rodman-v2
Big Baby.....eyes? V2
He Needs To Wax His Brows, Brush His Teeth And Pluck That Nose Hair Haha
Adolf Kim
Jungaret Cho Kim
Radioactive Radioactive
Say Cheese
Frabjous Kim
The Origin Of Kimchi
Kim Jon Rodman
Upside Down, Kim, You Turn Me
Mushroom Snack
Kim Kim
Vladimir Kim
Music Festival Kim
This is why North Korea has banned the Internet for the next 34 years. LOL
There is nothing funny about this wacko. He starves his people to work on weapons of mass destruction.
You're right. We should all be actively crying over it, rather than making the best of a situation we can't currently change. Thanks for reminding us all that laughter is never acceptable.
Load More Replies...This is why North Korea has banned the Internet for the next 34 years. LOL
There is nothing funny about this wacko. He starves his people to work on weapons of mass destruction.
You're right. We should all be actively crying over it, rather than making the best of a situation we can't currently change. Thanks for reminding us all that laughter is never acceptable.
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