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Artist Uses Paint To Disguise Foods As Other Products
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Artist Uses Paint To Disguise Foods As Other Products


Imagine biting into an eggplant and feeling raw egg run from your teeth through its brittle shell… Talented Japanese artist Hikaru Cho has made such a bizarre food art experience possible by misleadingly painting these food items to look like totally different food products.

Cho’s unique artwork is playful but well-done – her work with acrylic paint is hyper-realistic and convincing. Which makes her edible art all the more amusing when she cuts or opens the actual food product underneath.

Given how talented she is, it’s hard to believe that Cho is only 19 years old! She was admitted to Musashino Art University in 2012 and has already completed work for several Japanese brands. This isn’t the first time that her realistic artwork has gone viral either – her striking and twisted hyper-realistic body paint has been seen by many as well. This, and the rest of her artwork, is definitely worth checking out.

Hyper-realistic art has become fairly popular over the past few years. If you’d like to see some more cool drawings and incredible eye tricks, be sure to check out Alexa Meade and our list of 40 pieces of hyper-realistic paintings.

Source: (via: thisiscolossal)



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    There is a beast with heart of cold stone that dashes like lightning, shreds flesh from bone. // Bewitched by this beast, I fell to my knees. My mouth babbled madness and mumbled soft pleas. // I stared down the ravenous, gnashing dark maw of a cute cuddly kitten with yarn in its paw

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    Author, Community member

    There is a beast with heart of cold stone that dashes like lightning, shreds flesh from bone. // Bewitched by this beast, I fell to my knees. My mouth babbled madness and mumbled soft pleas. // I stared down the ravenous, gnashing dark maw of a cute cuddly kitten with yarn in its paw

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