An owl cafe in Tokyo, Japan, lets its customers spend time with these majestic birds. Visitors to Ikefukurou can pet or take photos with the owls for 1400 yen (11.5 USD) per hour during the week, or 1600 yen (13 USD) on weekends. Owl owners can bring their birds, too, or if you don’t have an owl but want one, you can buy one through the local breeder.
“Ikefukurou” combines the name of the town, Ikebukuro, and Fukuro, owl in Japanese. Customers who visit the cafe are first briefed on safety rules and animal welfare before they can handle a bird. An American eagle-owl, mottled owl, tawny owl, vermiculated eagle-owls, several species of scops owl and a tropical screech owl are amongst the possible choices offered to customers. Fruit juice or beer is available for refreshment.
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Share on FacebookI don´t like this... They should be free and not bounded pets for humans joy..
Owls have clipped claws and probably dulled beaks. They don't even attempt to fly, which is weird. And they are kept in this tiny room. And what's with this string anyway? They may be cute, but they are still wild animals. Why people doesn't realise that this place is wrong? (And I don't like the idea of breeders just selling owls like that to anyone.)
i agree with u but they most likely arent just giving them to anybody im fairly certain they need to have permits or somthing, there are hedgehogs breeders and skunk breeders in the US that do that kind of thing
I don´t like this... They should be free and not bounded pets for humans joy..
Owls have clipped claws and probably dulled beaks. They don't even attempt to fly, which is weird. And they are kept in this tiny room. And what's with this string anyway? They may be cute, but they are still wild animals. Why people doesn't realise that this place is wrong? (And I don't like the idea of breeders just selling owls like that to anyone.)
i agree with u but they most likely arent just giving them to anybody im fairly certain they need to have permits or somthing, there are hedgehogs breeders and skunk breeders in the US that do that kind of thing