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Mural Artist Transforms Boring Walls Into Works Of Art
User submission

Mural Artist Transforms Boring Walls Into Works Of Art


She visualizes, designs and paints a wall by combining the color spectrum so she could achieve a whole new dimension of harmony in the area in which you will live/work/play. Wall art is the missing part of completing whole interior design. Her colorful painting ideas and techniques transform a space into a truly fantastic atmosphere!

She uses high quality paint-brushes and Caparol-paint wall colors – each made for a different surface. Paint is odorless, moisture resistant, highly pigmented and completely ecological. “A painting requires a little mystery, some courage and a lot of fantasy,” she says.

Born on April 25, 1985 in Varaždin, Croatia, Anita’s (3rd generation artist) family was already long into painting and restoration. She’s most thankful to her late father as he was the one that encouraged her, believed in her and gifted her with her first paint brush set. Words he shared with her that she will never forget: “Courage is embedded in you. You are looking fear right in the eye and saying: get the hell out of my way, I’ve got things to do, people to see and only one world to conquer.” Her father passed away when Anita was 11 years and the age of 14, Anita left the small town she grew up in and moved to Zagreb, the capital of Croatia to attend High School. After graduating, she attended the College of Art and received a degree in Visual Arts. “I’ve been imagining and creating stories my entire life, characters and events that would make this world that we live in even more colorful and alive – I’m in love with life, and I know that there is so much more to it then we see with a clear eye.”


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    Nevena Zubanovic
    Community Member
    8 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Neverovatno izgleda. Samo sam htjela da ti nesto predlozim ako si zainteresovana. U mom gradu svake godine se odrzava konkurs za slikanje murala ( grad pokusava da ucini nas grad, gradom murala ). Poprilicno je dobra nagrada ako se osvoji. Mislim da je ove godine vec proslo i da je pobjednik vec izabran, ali ako si zainteresovana pogledaj na fejsu "Prijedor grad murala". Sve najbolje u daljnjem poslu. :)

    Nevena Zubanovic
    Community Member
    8 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Neverovatno izgleda. Samo sam htjela da ti nesto predlozim ako si zainteresovana. U mom gradu svake godine se odrzava konkurs za slikanje murala ( grad pokusava da ucini nas grad, gradom murala ). Poprilicno je dobra nagrada ako se osvoji. Mislim da je ove godine vec proslo i da je pobjednik vec izabran, ali ako si zainteresovana pogledaj na fejsu "Prijedor grad murala". Sve najbolje u daljnjem poslu. :)

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