Mother Of Two Takes Adorable Photos Of Herself And Her Daughters In Matching Clothing
Like mother, like daughter. Right? Well, looks like it. Dominique is a UK-based lifestyle Instagrammer and, more importantly, mother of two beautiful girls, Amelia (10) and Penny (3).
"I’d left my job back in 2015 to stay at home with the children full-time. It was amazing and it’s a decision I’ve never regretted" she told Bored Panda. "At times it did become quite lonely. Instagram gave me a mini escape in between changing nappies and doing the school run."
Dominique is managing her blog and Instagram account where she posts pictures of herself and daughters dressed in similar fashion. "The #allthatisthree photos came about by chance. One morning, I’d unintentionally dressed myself and Penny in matching striped tops, then Amelia emerged from her bedroom wearing one too. We’d laughed about it and when I was struggling for an image idea later that day, we thought we’d share our joke with everyone else."
Working from home and being a mom sometimes has its own challenges, but it's all worth it because she can be proud of her adorable girls growing to be strong and independent people. "The most rewarding part of being a mother is watching them both grow into the smart, funny and completely bonkers young ladies that they are. They amaze me every day and they make me so proud. I guess I must be doing something right."
More info: Instagram
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The little ones hair is finally long enough to hold a braid. She's growing up.