Woman’s Reaction To Crying Baby On Plane Goes Viral, Shows Why People Who Complain About It Are The Worst
Flying next to a crying child is terrible, but it’s even worse if the kid is yours. A mom named Kesha Bernard was flying from Seattle to Denver on July 29th when she noticed a single mom traveling alone with three little kids, and struggling to keep them all happy – most notably her fussy three-year-old daughter.
To make matters worse, take-off was delayed, making the plane full of grumpy passengers even less patient with the overwhelmed family. Bernard just couldn’t bear to stand by and watch the poor woman having such a hard time parenting, especially after witnessing a shockingly abusive act by another passenger. She stepped in to offer what the rest of the plane seemed to have forgotten the meaning of compassion.
After sharing her story on Facebook, Bernard went viral and has now earned over 193 thousand likes and almost 100 thousand shares. In addition to being an absolute sweetheart, she’s also a photographer and has two kids of her own. Read the entire touching story on random acts of kindness below, and share it with someone who might need their faith in humanity restored.
More info: Kesha Shonet Photography
This mom recently shared a different kind of ‘screaming kid on the plane’ story, and she’s going viral for it
“How we can ignore a human in distress beyond me”
“Please be kind. Please be considerate. Help one another… It makes everything easier”
As you’d expect, most readers gave this super-mom a standing ovation
ADVERTISEMENTSome people, however, felt her help was little misplaced
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This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
It's not that she's not right about helping people, but I'm kinda sick of these self serving look at how heroic I was to be different than the rest of the dumb crowd stories on the internet. Great man, you helped someone, have a freakin' medal.
I think the point is not that she's heroic, that what she did is normal, and everyone else is a self-serving s**t who needs to learn to human better.
Load More Replies...Most here just assume that everybody who gets annoyed about this is an ignorant a*****e. That's a serious lack of life experience. There are people with headaches, personal problems, PMT, stress or any other things etc out there. They are not a******s. It seems that a lot of folks nowadays nastily assume that if someone doesn't behave as they want them to, then they can swear at them and call them names. I'm not too impressed by that egocentrical righteousness. Life isn't black and white, there is an awful lot of grey in between.
just because someone doesn't want to listen to a kid scream or cry doesn't mean her or she is an a*****e. we all have the right to NOT CARE, because this is not our kid (and please, do not compare that to first aid or some s**t). we CAN help, we SHOULD be considerate, but that goes both ways.
all these people who feign their right not to care. it is your right. but does it really make the world a better place? I can see it if the person didn't care. but never ever touch someone else's child ever for something so light. Sure I can see stopping it but full on grabbing. No. I have had a severe head ache and there was a crying baby on the bus. I didn't find it "MY RIGHT" to bad mouth the mom for doing a s**t job or my right not to care. I know how hard it is for a child to not comply and especially to be less so when you want them to listen.
Little Menace, it's not the intolerance that causes the problem: it's the SCENE. People make a scene when disturbed by an annoyance, thus just making the annoyance larger. So please think before you comment :)
Many people won't help simply because they don't know 1) how to 2) how it will be received. I think her post is useful in the sense that it tells people that it's okay to step in and offer help. It's also *very* useful to point out that when you're mumbling / making face / complaining at a struggling parent, you're actually the one doing intentional harm.
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Like I said, it's not that I don't think she's right. I'm the mom with the kid, and people who give me foul looks when my kid is crying can suck my hypothetical balls. It was more the way she was sharing it and the attention demanding tone of it. Again though might just be jaded from all the other attention whoring stories on the web and maybe she really just meant to change the world in a better way. Who knows. Honestly I didn't think so many people would upvote me spewing my annoyance :p
I think you are missing her message Leni. To me this is nothing about 'how great am I' its about 'why didn't anyone else offer help'....she is making the point that she wasn't even that near the woman but everyone else around her was just sitting there, pulling faces or complaining...she is telling us all to stop behaving like 40 year old toddlers and do something useful.
So, lets break this down.....she is a self serving, attention seeking individual for being kind and sharing her story which may attract others to view the same situation differently if presented to them on their own flight.....But you, sir, share your opinion for what purpose??? To bring others down. Personally, I would rather read her story than your hateful opinion.
So, basically what's being said is Mothers with children who may or may not act up, shouldnt fly with their children? What about the adults we often hear about who act up on planes, shouldn't they know better than to act up? I know of many adults who have such difficulty flying they have to take a tranquilizer first, I doubt they offer them to children. Many people wouldn't choose to fly with their children, but sometimes things happen in life that turn choice into a "have to", such as an illness or accident in the family, or even worse, a death. We never know what a stranger may be going thru. So I say BLESS this woman & any like her who helped a struggling Mom. I offer a huge 'Shame on you' to all those who acted ugly!! Ohhhh, and to the woman who grabbed the leg of the child behind her...Thank your God profusely that the leg you grabbed didn't belong to one of my children or grandchildren, I'd need bail money & you'd need EMS!
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She's not being kind, this is not to her to take care of someone's else children. She's just seeking attention. WHat she is telling on the internet is hateful. Because people don't want to take care of someone's else child they are bad ? The mom (and dad) has to take her responsabilities. SHe decided to take the plan. She had to plan to handdle her children.
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'Kind'. We read a different story. That's kinda my point. But reading comprehension is notoriously underdeveloped amongst native English speakers.
Bravo. Way to take a feel good story back to horrible again. We really needed all know what you are 'kinda sick' about. Improves everything.
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And I really needed to know that you're butt hurt about my opinion. If we're gonna talk about a 'need to know' basis, 90% of the internet is useless, so go take your useless hypocritical self somewhere else.
Wow. Why so many downsvotes on the actual reasonable, kind comments? Not much room for kindness in this world, it seems. Also, I don't believe it's a "look at me and how great I am" story, it's a "please help those in need, it will have great perks" story. Please think of all the kindness, effort, and pure heart in this story before you comment. Yep, here comes the downvote army, armed with their downvote pistols!
Some only comment to criticize! I Wish they had a life. But I'm with you, I don't think she was looking for fame or pats on the back either. I feel she was attempting to point out that kindness should win out over hatefulness or ambivalence every time it can. So, good for her for helping alleviate an already stressful situation, too bad there aren't more people who finding stepping up to be right thing to do.
yes too right she deserves a medal. And the rest of thos people need a kick in the a*s. This wasnt about how wonderful she was. it was showing that it takes very little to help someone out and how we all need to do it more. I dont know why you would dis her for this.
It would have meant a lot more coming from the distressed mother than the person helping out and trying to validate how great they are.
Agreed, these things are posted by the OP for accolades. I think if you are a good person and do good things you don't need shout it from the roof tops; leading by example includes being humble.
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Excuse you. I suggest you look up the word humble and study it really hard. Being judgmental of others is a far cry from being humble. Just wondering why you read the article?
Would have been a way better story coming from the distressed mother rather than someone trying to validate how decent of a person they are to themselves and the internet.
You obviously are an unkind person. You just can't wait to gripe about something. you're the kind of person who no one can depend on.
Yet....you knew everything about the woman who helped the mom on the plane & felt super free to judge her? What's that old saying....Judge not, that ye be not judged? Which I take to mean, "If you insist on judging, then be real prepared to get the exact same I return" ....but if you must judge, then I'd suggest acquiring a much thicker skin if one can't handle the fallout. Brightest Blessings🌞
Get a life. She deserves the thanks. You would be thanked also if you were not so judgmental.
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You're making a wild guess that the author's motives for writing this are "self serving." If I were to guess at them, I'd say she's 1. Opening herself to public criticism, not very self-serving. 2. She Addresses A Social Interaction ALL American mothers will face, so it's a social-service.
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And you Leni deserve a medal for being a douche. Because you were a kid once, and you'll probably have kids in the future. And because maybe if we were more humane, our world would be a better place...
VNem, why do you have downvotes? You're a friggin' GENIUS. And VNem deserves a medal for being one of the very few remaining people in this comment section with actual human knowledge!
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It must be cold up on that high horse! You want a blanket? :)
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YOU...are an idiot to the NTH degree!!! They are not sharing their story for a medal. They are sharing the story to remind people who are MEANT TO BE ADULTS, to act like ADULTS!! And remind these ADULTS not to be a******s!! AND to practice self-control and patience! They are FULLY capable of doing so! While a toddler, IS NOT! People ARE a******s, and NEED to reminded as such!!
You, madam, are SMART. That may seem like a normal compliment, but one in a millon actually remains smart in this comment section! Kudos, Melody!
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I'm pretty sure that you've never helped anyone in distress. The story wasn't so much about how one woman went out of her way to help a fellow traveler in distress; it was about all the a******s on the plane who not only did nothing to help, but went out of their way to make that young mother feel even more miserable. I'm gonna go way out on a limb here and say you'd be the old woman covering her ears and making faces.
You're a remainder of what used to be reasonable people. They all became idiots except for you and a few others. Keep it up, Eric!
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You're a Trump fan, aren't you. Perhaps if people were a little more patient, kind, compassionate and considerate, not to mention helpful, instead of bitching like you are, we might be a little bit better off as a country.
It's great she helped the helpless single mom, which was doing her best to calm down her children. Unfortunately, I can't take a side. I have had lots of bad experiences with toddlers on the same flights with me. The problem is that as long as there are s****y parents who don't give a damn that their kids are misbehaving and let them do whatever they want(Invading my personal space and pulling my hair? Hello, I'm not their toy, make something about your kids' actions, don't let them ruin my flight for no reason), few people would be on the young parents' side.
I think both sides have a point. Passengers have the right not to be bothered by screaming kids, and yet sometimes parents really can't control their kids despite their best efforts (as in this case). The parents who should be condemned are the ones whose kids are flaking out and yet they do NOTHING.
Load More Replies...Agree! Parental response has a lot to do with reactions (sometimes). On flights though, people are not very understanding on a good day...
Kicking kids and kids pulling hair can be stopped but it is nearly impossible to stop a baby/ toddler from crying on a plane since they are almost always crying because their ears haven't popped and there is a lot of painful pressure. You can try to distract them but it may not work and actually crying is one of the few ways they can pop their ears since it works similar to yawning.
I'm sure most parents would never want to expose their children to most of the hateful people commenting on this thread. I expect my children to behave, but children are very intune to the negativity around them & respond the only way they know how. And while, like most, I'd prefer not to have to listen to an irate child...Id prefer it to an irate childish adult any day.
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How do you have to the right to not want to be bothered in public on a public flight? You want to not be bothered...drive your own damn car with no in it but you or stay the hell home.
Agree with this, I used to travel a lot and children often kick the seats in front of them. While it may be a more difficult issue to calm a crying kid down, it should be manageable to stop a kid from kicking the back of a seat. This is also about teaching your kids some decent manners and I've seen so many parents that never told their kids anything, when they started screaming or kicking seats, which is not ok. At least you can minimize the noise by wearing earphones, but there isn't much you can do about the kicking issue, except for asking their parents to tell them to stop.
I'm with you on telling a child to stop, Leni. I generally prefer to deal directly with the child. Some of them listen to strangers better than to their own parents. Plus parents sometimes tune out their children or are tired or jaded.
I totally agree. My husband had a 4 year old kicking his seat for over 10 minutes and the mother did nothing. She wouldn't have had to yell or punish but just tell her daughter that the seat kicking was disturbing someone else. And then there are the parents with two boys who sat across from us, the boys did anything they wanted, and wound up sitting facing their seat backs, no seat belt, as we landed. And I'm sure the parents would have sued if their boys had gotten hurt.
The mom wasn't doing her best at all. She was acting like the paying customers were an inconvenience to her unruly family.
She had THREE kids! How in the world do you have a clue if she was doing her 'best'?
You have to discipline your kids. You or your 1,2,3 year old kids don't have right kick anybody seats - end of the story. No silly boredpanda article will change these basic rules. You might not be able to control of crying, but doing nothing about kicking is not acceptable!
Whats not acceptable is grabbing a kid's leg... i would be the first to tell my kid off for kicking and there'd be consequences if she didnt stop. But if a stranger grabbed her leg she can expect a kick somewhere else - from me.
Load More Replies...grabbing a kids leg is physical assault. The same as grabbing an adult limb is physical assault!
What the heck is so hard to grasp here?? We even have those who have differed so much on views agreeing. So myself, as a Mom, Grandmom, Godmother & retired Law Enforcement...let me explain. You never, ever, ever put your hand (or any other body part) on a child that isn't yours and especially not on a strangers child! It is a physical assault punishable by law. Kicking the back of a plane seat however is not an assault to anything but your feelings, which is not an assault.
An adult laying their hands on anyone without permission is legally battery. It is a sue-able offense although in this situation the mother wouldn't be awarded much money so it would be nearly impossible to find a lawyer willing to represent her but she could try to represent herself. Just saying it is legally considered battery to grab a toddlers leg and this person could have been escorted off the plane by the police if the mother had wanted to push it.
Grabbing the leg is not assault - it's simply keeping the child from continuing to kick and getting the childs attention. The kicking is the assault.
Parents with unruly Kids doing nothing about it is the worst. I mean how can those parents stay silent looking at their kids being an a*s. Bcs the parents don't have manners of course, they don't educate their child before flight, and they can tolerate it bcs its their little monster. They don't have manners to educate or at least saying sorry most of the times and letting their kids being a monster. What is the usual excuse "they are kids" so they can scream and jumping and kicking as they like with the parents doing nothing with that kind of excuse. Iguess its the parents that thinks their child is a monkey that cannot understand what they said at all.
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Why though? Grabbing a kids leg won't hurt it.
First of all- referring to a human being as "it" is reaaaaally not okay. Second of all- an adult touching a kid that isn't theirs without permission is still legal trouble, no matter where they touch.
most adults need to discipline themselves. i've been kicked, had a seat thrown back in my face, had people reach over me to turn out my light, had to listen to yak yak yak on phone from ADULTS. rather fly with a kid any time.
Yes, parents need to discipline their children if they are over the top or out of control....the problem with this is, people's expectations of what is acceptable behavior from a small child is way out of proportion for what is normal for children that age. As adults, we are supposed to have attained a certain level of maturity, and should be able to deal with a certain amount of noise/movement from a small child. It's ludicrous that people expect a child of that age to sit perfectly still, not move, or make a peep yet the adults who are expecting that are showing showing their immaturity by how they react to them in the first place. OMG, that child is moving! Why isn't their parent beating them into submission!? Children are children, not little adults. You acted that way when you were that age, I did, we all did. Get over yourself. Just because some of you don't like children doesn't mean they are being unruly. They are just being normal, young children.
I say this too much here, but A M E N. This is as real as organic fruit!
Maciek Ravs...I'm sure you are sitting on a plane in charge of three young kids, on your own all the time right? Toddlers don't just do what mum or dad tells them....if they did no one ever would talk about what a nightmare they are. I was a real disciplinarian....didn't take any c**p from my kids...(I had three children under two and a half years of age)....but were they always well behaved? absolutely not....because they were kids!
Carol Norwell you speak the TRUTH!! They're called the Terrible Two's & Even Worse Three's for a very good reason. Obviously this isn't so bad of a problem that they have made separate flights for those with or without children. Going by some of the comments here, some need to be glad they don't require a test of mental health be passed prior to boarding, or maybe tests of humanity or empathy.
It's not that she's not right about helping people, but I'm kinda sick of these self serving look at how heroic I was to be different than the rest of the dumb crowd stories on the internet. Great man, you helped someone, have a freakin' medal.
I think the point is not that she's heroic, that what she did is normal, and everyone else is a self-serving s**t who needs to learn to human better.
Load More Replies...Most here just assume that everybody who gets annoyed about this is an ignorant a*****e. That's a serious lack of life experience. There are people with headaches, personal problems, PMT, stress or any other things etc out there. They are not a******s. It seems that a lot of folks nowadays nastily assume that if someone doesn't behave as they want them to, then they can swear at them and call them names. I'm not too impressed by that egocentrical righteousness. Life isn't black and white, there is an awful lot of grey in between.
just because someone doesn't want to listen to a kid scream or cry doesn't mean her or she is an a*****e. we all have the right to NOT CARE, because this is not our kid (and please, do not compare that to first aid or some s**t). we CAN help, we SHOULD be considerate, but that goes both ways.
all these people who feign their right not to care. it is your right. but does it really make the world a better place? I can see it if the person didn't care. but never ever touch someone else's child ever for something so light. Sure I can see stopping it but full on grabbing. No. I have had a severe head ache and there was a crying baby on the bus. I didn't find it "MY RIGHT" to bad mouth the mom for doing a s**t job or my right not to care. I know how hard it is for a child to not comply and especially to be less so when you want them to listen.
Little Menace, it's not the intolerance that causes the problem: it's the SCENE. People make a scene when disturbed by an annoyance, thus just making the annoyance larger. So please think before you comment :)
Many people won't help simply because they don't know 1) how to 2) how it will be received. I think her post is useful in the sense that it tells people that it's okay to step in and offer help. It's also *very* useful to point out that when you're mumbling / making face / complaining at a struggling parent, you're actually the one doing intentional harm.
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Like I said, it's not that I don't think she's right. I'm the mom with the kid, and people who give me foul looks when my kid is crying can suck my hypothetical balls. It was more the way she was sharing it and the attention demanding tone of it. Again though might just be jaded from all the other attention whoring stories on the web and maybe she really just meant to change the world in a better way. Who knows. Honestly I didn't think so many people would upvote me spewing my annoyance :p
I think you are missing her message Leni. To me this is nothing about 'how great am I' its about 'why didn't anyone else offer help'....she is making the point that she wasn't even that near the woman but everyone else around her was just sitting there, pulling faces or complaining...she is telling us all to stop behaving like 40 year old toddlers and do something useful.
So, lets break this down.....she is a self serving, attention seeking individual for being kind and sharing her story which may attract others to view the same situation differently if presented to them on their own flight.....But you, sir, share your opinion for what purpose??? To bring others down. Personally, I would rather read her story than your hateful opinion.
So, basically what's being said is Mothers with children who may or may not act up, shouldnt fly with their children? What about the adults we often hear about who act up on planes, shouldn't they know better than to act up? I know of many adults who have such difficulty flying they have to take a tranquilizer first, I doubt they offer them to children. Many people wouldn't choose to fly with their children, but sometimes things happen in life that turn choice into a "have to", such as an illness or accident in the family, or even worse, a death. We never know what a stranger may be going thru. So I say BLESS this woman & any like her who helped a struggling Mom. I offer a huge 'Shame on you' to all those who acted ugly!! Ohhhh, and to the woman who grabbed the leg of the child behind her...Thank your God profusely that the leg you grabbed didn't belong to one of my children or grandchildren, I'd need bail money & you'd need EMS!
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She's not being kind, this is not to her to take care of someone's else children. She's just seeking attention. WHat she is telling on the internet is hateful. Because people don't want to take care of someone's else child they are bad ? The mom (and dad) has to take her responsabilities. SHe decided to take the plan. She had to plan to handdle her children.
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'Kind'. We read a different story. That's kinda my point. But reading comprehension is notoriously underdeveloped amongst native English speakers.
Bravo. Way to take a feel good story back to horrible again. We really needed all know what you are 'kinda sick' about. Improves everything.
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And I really needed to know that you're butt hurt about my opinion. If we're gonna talk about a 'need to know' basis, 90% of the internet is useless, so go take your useless hypocritical self somewhere else.
Wow. Why so many downsvotes on the actual reasonable, kind comments? Not much room for kindness in this world, it seems. Also, I don't believe it's a "look at me and how great I am" story, it's a "please help those in need, it will have great perks" story. Please think of all the kindness, effort, and pure heart in this story before you comment. Yep, here comes the downvote army, armed with their downvote pistols!
Some only comment to criticize! I Wish they had a life. But I'm with you, I don't think she was looking for fame or pats on the back either. I feel she was attempting to point out that kindness should win out over hatefulness or ambivalence every time it can. So, good for her for helping alleviate an already stressful situation, too bad there aren't more people who finding stepping up to be right thing to do.
yes too right she deserves a medal. And the rest of thos people need a kick in the a*s. This wasnt about how wonderful she was. it was showing that it takes very little to help someone out and how we all need to do it more. I dont know why you would dis her for this.
It would have meant a lot more coming from the distressed mother than the person helping out and trying to validate how great they are.
Agreed, these things are posted by the OP for accolades. I think if you are a good person and do good things you don't need shout it from the roof tops; leading by example includes being humble.
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Excuse you. I suggest you look up the word humble and study it really hard. Being judgmental of others is a far cry from being humble. Just wondering why you read the article?
Would have been a way better story coming from the distressed mother rather than someone trying to validate how decent of a person they are to themselves and the internet.
You obviously are an unkind person. You just can't wait to gripe about something. you're the kind of person who no one can depend on.
Yet....you knew everything about the woman who helped the mom on the plane & felt super free to judge her? What's that old saying....Judge not, that ye be not judged? Which I take to mean, "If you insist on judging, then be real prepared to get the exact same I return" ....but if you must judge, then I'd suggest acquiring a much thicker skin if one can't handle the fallout. Brightest Blessings🌞
Get a life. She deserves the thanks. You would be thanked also if you were not so judgmental.
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You're making a wild guess that the author's motives for writing this are "self serving." If I were to guess at them, I'd say she's 1. Opening herself to public criticism, not very self-serving. 2. She Addresses A Social Interaction ALL American mothers will face, so it's a social-service.
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And you Leni deserve a medal for being a douche. Because you were a kid once, and you'll probably have kids in the future. And because maybe if we were more humane, our world would be a better place...
VNem, why do you have downvotes? You're a friggin' GENIUS. And VNem deserves a medal for being one of the very few remaining people in this comment section with actual human knowledge!
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It must be cold up on that high horse! You want a blanket? :)
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YOU...are an idiot to the NTH degree!!! They are not sharing their story for a medal. They are sharing the story to remind people who are MEANT TO BE ADULTS, to act like ADULTS!! And remind these ADULTS not to be a******s!! AND to practice self-control and patience! They are FULLY capable of doing so! While a toddler, IS NOT! People ARE a******s, and NEED to reminded as such!!
You, madam, are SMART. That may seem like a normal compliment, but one in a millon actually remains smart in this comment section! Kudos, Melody!
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I'm pretty sure that you've never helped anyone in distress. The story wasn't so much about how one woman went out of her way to help a fellow traveler in distress; it was about all the a******s on the plane who not only did nothing to help, but went out of their way to make that young mother feel even more miserable. I'm gonna go way out on a limb here and say you'd be the old woman covering her ears and making faces.
You're a remainder of what used to be reasonable people. They all became idiots except for you and a few others. Keep it up, Eric!
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You're a Trump fan, aren't you. Perhaps if people were a little more patient, kind, compassionate and considerate, not to mention helpful, instead of bitching like you are, we might be a little bit better off as a country.
It's great she helped the helpless single mom, which was doing her best to calm down her children. Unfortunately, I can't take a side. I have had lots of bad experiences with toddlers on the same flights with me. The problem is that as long as there are s****y parents who don't give a damn that their kids are misbehaving and let them do whatever they want(Invading my personal space and pulling my hair? Hello, I'm not their toy, make something about your kids' actions, don't let them ruin my flight for no reason), few people would be on the young parents' side.
I think both sides have a point. Passengers have the right not to be bothered by screaming kids, and yet sometimes parents really can't control their kids despite their best efforts (as in this case). The parents who should be condemned are the ones whose kids are flaking out and yet they do NOTHING.
Load More Replies...Agree! Parental response has a lot to do with reactions (sometimes). On flights though, people are not very understanding on a good day...
Kicking kids and kids pulling hair can be stopped but it is nearly impossible to stop a baby/ toddler from crying on a plane since they are almost always crying because their ears haven't popped and there is a lot of painful pressure. You can try to distract them but it may not work and actually crying is one of the few ways they can pop their ears since it works similar to yawning.
I'm sure most parents would never want to expose their children to most of the hateful people commenting on this thread. I expect my children to behave, but children are very intune to the negativity around them & respond the only way they know how. And while, like most, I'd prefer not to have to listen to an irate child...Id prefer it to an irate childish adult any day.
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How do you have to the right to not want to be bothered in public on a public flight? You want to not be bothered...drive your own damn car with no in it but you or stay the hell home.
Agree with this, I used to travel a lot and children often kick the seats in front of them. While it may be a more difficult issue to calm a crying kid down, it should be manageable to stop a kid from kicking the back of a seat. This is also about teaching your kids some decent manners and I've seen so many parents that never told their kids anything, when they started screaming or kicking seats, which is not ok. At least you can minimize the noise by wearing earphones, but there isn't much you can do about the kicking issue, except for asking their parents to tell them to stop.
I'm with you on telling a child to stop, Leni. I generally prefer to deal directly with the child. Some of them listen to strangers better than to their own parents. Plus parents sometimes tune out their children or are tired or jaded.
I totally agree. My husband had a 4 year old kicking his seat for over 10 minutes and the mother did nothing. She wouldn't have had to yell or punish but just tell her daughter that the seat kicking was disturbing someone else. And then there are the parents with two boys who sat across from us, the boys did anything they wanted, and wound up sitting facing their seat backs, no seat belt, as we landed. And I'm sure the parents would have sued if their boys had gotten hurt.
The mom wasn't doing her best at all. She was acting like the paying customers were an inconvenience to her unruly family.
She had THREE kids! How in the world do you have a clue if she was doing her 'best'?
You have to discipline your kids. You or your 1,2,3 year old kids don't have right kick anybody seats - end of the story. No silly boredpanda article will change these basic rules. You might not be able to control of crying, but doing nothing about kicking is not acceptable!
Whats not acceptable is grabbing a kid's leg... i would be the first to tell my kid off for kicking and there'd be consequences if she didnt stop. But if a stranger grabbed her leg she can expect a kick somewhere else - from me.
Load More Replies...grabbing a kids leg is physical assault. The same as grabbing an adult limb is physical assault!
What the heck is so hard to grasp here?? We even have those who have differed so much on views agreeing. So myself, as a Mom, Grandmom, Godmother & retired Law Enforcement...let me explain. You never, ever, ever put your hand (or any other body part) on a child that isn't yours and especially not on a strangers child! It is a physical assault punishable by law. Kicking the back of a plane seat however is not an assault to anything but your feelings, which is not an assault.
An adult laying their hands on anyone without permission is legally battery. It is a sue-able offense although in this situation the mother wouldn't be awarded much money so it would be nearly impossible to find a lawyer willing to represent her but she could try to represent herself. Just saying it is legally considered battery to grab a toddlers leg and this person could have been escorted off the plane by the police if the mother had wanted to push it.
Grabbing the leg is not assault - it's simply keeping the child from continuing to kick and getting the childs attention. The kicking is the assault.
Parents with unruly Kids doing nothing about it is the worst. I mean how can those parents stay silent looking at their kids being an a*s. Bcs the parents don't have manners of course, they don't educate their child before flight, and they can tolerate it bcs its their little monster. They don't have manners to educate or at least saying sorry most of the times and letting their kids being a monster. What is the usual excuse "they are kids" so they can scream and jumping and kicking as they like with the parents doing nothing with that kind of excuse. Iguess its the parents that thinks their child is a monkey that cannot understand what they said at all.
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Why though? Grabbing a kids leg won't hurt it.
First of all- referring to a human being as "it" is reaaaaally not okay. Second of all- an adult touching a kid that isn't theirs without permission is still legal trouble, no matter where they touch.
most adults need to discipline themselves. i've been kicked, had a seat thrown back in my face, had people reach over me to turn out my light, had to listen to yak yak yak on phone from ADULTS. rather fly with a kid any time.
Yes, parents need to discipline their children if they are over the top or out of control....the problem with this is, people's expectations of what is acceptable behavior from a small child is way out of proportion for what is normal for children that age. As adults, we are supposed to have attained a certain level of maturity, and should be able to deal with a certain amount of noise/movement from a small child. It's ludicrous that people expect a child of that age to sit perfectly still, not move, or make a peep yet the adults who are expecting that are showing showing their immaturity by how they react to them in the first place. OMG, that child is moving! Why isn't their parent beating them into submission!? Children are children, not little adults. You acted that way when you were that age, I did, we all did. Get over yourself. Just because some of you don't like children doesn't mean they are being unruly. They are just being normal, young children.
I say this too much here, but A M E N. This is as real as organic fruit!
Maciek Ravs...I'm sure you are sitting on a plane in charge of three young kids, on your own all the time right? Toddlers don't just do what mum or dad tells them....if they did no one ever would talk about what a nightmare they are. I was a real disciplinarian....didn't take any c**p from my kids...(I had three children under two and a half years of age)....but were they always well behaved? absolutely not....because they were kids!
Carol Norwell you speak the TRUTH!! They're called the Terrible Two's & Even Worse Three's for a very good reason. Obviously this isn't so bad of a problem that they have made separate flights for those with or without children. Going by some of the comments here, some need to be glad they don't require a test of mental health be passed prior to boarding, or maybe tests of humanity or empathy.