119 Delicately Beautiful Tattoos By South Korean Artist Hongdam
South Korean artist Hongdam offers an alternative to big and garish tattoo designs. His distinct style is light and elegant but while it appears minimalistic, each intricate piece consists of a huge amount of detail.
There was a time, not so very long ago, when people with tattoos were not allowed in public baths or swimming pools in South Korea. Now, however, things are slowly changing for the better. Hongdam has almost 160,000 Instagram followers and is one of the few bold artists who are shaping the face of tattoo culture in his country.
More info: Instagram (h/t: ufunk)
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By far my favorite so far it's perfect. Favorite color and animal. ♡♡♡♡
Love it! It's both hands .. right all but the thumb, left only see two and the third hidden
so this is the cover up from one of the other pics and they added color now?
Cool, but needs a touch of blue added into flame to look more realistic.
You are an amazing artist with such a delicate touch, your ability to do tattoos with out an outlining is astounding!! Where is this artist located I would love to get a tattoo by them!!
Pretty sure this isn't the same featured tatt artist. Not same stroke/style.
Less is more. These tattoos certainly proved it. You don't need your whole arm covered to have it look beautiful.
Less is more. These tattoos certainly proved it. You don't need your whole arm covered to have it look beautiful.