Look around you. The world is full of stories. Everybody has one. Even on their fingers. You just have to look really closely to see them.

See for yourself in the pictures below. The rings are made by German artist Isabell Kiefhaber and they’re available to buy on Etsy. They’re made with resin and each one depicts a different little secret scenario. One contains a man skiing. Another has a couple playing tennis. There’s even one of two people cuddling together on a bench. Or, if you’re so inclined, you can simply have a heard of sheep on your finger.

“I love design,” says Isabell on her Etsy profile. “I love to work meticulously. I love to work with my hands. (And) I love unique jewelry.” And looking at these awesome rings, we definitely share that love!

Want a design that you don’t see here? Then don’t worry because Isabell take custom orders. Just drop her an email and tell her your story!

More info: Etsy | (h/t: Fubiz)


     These rings are available to buy on Etsy