You’d expect a typical beach to be a nice and quiet haven to relax and chill – but the Maho Beach on the Saint Martin island is a famous travel destination for exactly the opposite reasons. The beautiful beach on the Dutch side of the Caribbean islands is known for all the low-flying airliners, which fly so closely above the beach that people can actually be blown into the water because of the jet blast (or that’s at least what the local government signs warn you about).

Local Princess Juliana International Airport is not only really close to the beach, but also has an unusually short landing strip of only 7,150 feet (2180 meters). In order to complete a smooth plane landing, the aircraft gets as close to the beginning of the Runway 10 as possible – and ends up flying right over the heads of eager tourists on the Ocean beach, directing their cameras towards the impressive sight.

The spotting of these charter planes has become so popular that the local residents have even developed a whole infrastructure around it: the famous beach bar owners put up boards with timetables of the arrivals and departures so that people could plan their time; one of the bars even broadcasts real-time radio transmissions between the airport’s control tower and and the aircraft. How many roaring airlines over your head would you handle in one day?

Source: wikipedia…/Maho_Beach via: twistedsifter


    Image credits: Benny Zheng


    image credits: Kent Miller

    image credits: Fabi Fliervoet

    Image credits: Mitchell Weinstock

    image credits: Fyodor Borisov

    image credits: fussball_89


    image credits: sxmloulou

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