It’s human nature to take things and sometimes even people for granted. We don’t learn to appreciate the moments we have with our loved ones until it is too late. That’s because we never truly realize when we have the last conversation or moment with the person we love. That’s precisely why these last photos of people before death will remind you to say “I love you” each time you say goodbye. You never know if it will be the last time.

This heart-wrenching collection of death pics are the final images taken of people’s loved ones before they passed away. Some of the deaths were expected, like in the case of long-term illnesses such as cancer or brain tumors. Other deaths, like those from a car accident, caught their family and friends by surprise. 

Many of these last photos before death might seem joyful or normal, but you can feel the underlying grief and pain of the family who lost their loved ones. Although nobody can know what happens after death, we hope that all the people in these photos are at peace, as well as the family they left behind.

Scroll down to see these haunting last pics before death, and remember to hold your next of kin extra close. Let us know which images and stories touched your heart the most and if you have experienced anything similar.


My 96-Year-Old Grandma, With My 100-Year-Old Grandpa, Hours Before Her Death. 77 Years Of Marriage

Grandpa and grandma laying in bed and holding their hands

RealLiveGirl Report


    The Final Picture Of My Cousin Gary, Taken On September 11, 2001

    Two fireman walking in a tunnel full of cars

    limmense Report

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    6 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    He was a good friend of mine, Gary Box. He was working for Squad 1. He was one of the bravest men I ever knew.

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    A Week Before My Grandfather Passed Away, I Snuck His Favorite Beer Into The Nursing Home For Him

    Old man drinking a bottle of beer near a window

    It was his last beer ever

    ksmitttyy Report

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    Hi, Its Inna
    Community Member
    6 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    We need more people like you who visit their family in nursing homes- May he rest in peace.

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    My Good Friend Bear Telling His Son And Daughter Goodbye. He Died The Next Evening From Pancreatic Cancer

    Bold man sitting on hospital bed with his children

    hj4life21 Report

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    6 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    In an ocean of sad picture, this is the one touching me most.

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    Shortly After My Mother Passed Away I Decided To Look Up Her House On Google Earth

    Woman standing on front houses porch

    That's her. Still gives me chills

    peanutbutterfish23 Report

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    Rebeca Lozada
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    6 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I have a very similar story. My grandfather passed away last year, He would write his own songs and sing them on our porch. So I searched up our old house and there he was with his guitar playing on their porch

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    Dying Father Fulfills Last Wish To Walk Daughter Down The Aisle On Her Wedding Day

    Man in a hospital bed in his wedding with his bride

    He passed away 5 days after

    Law Tapalla Photography Report

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    Hi, Its Inna
    Community Member
    6 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Oh gosh- this one just gets me. sometimes we forget that not only are we growing older- but out beloved mum and dad are too. <3

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    Last Pictures I Found Recently Of My Dad On His Old Tablet

    Multiple pictures of a man posing with different glasses

    Thankfully, they're all pictures of him being the goofy guy he was when he was alive

    EvanWiorek Report


    Last Photo Taken Of My Older Brother As He Was Leaving For College

    Man walking away and looking back

    He was the victim of a drinking and driving incident. I miss him every day

    Charpybro Report


    How Are Death Photos Different From Then to Now?

    It might seem odd to take pics of dead people, but the high mortality rate and spread of disease during the Victorian era led to this practice. In the mid-1800s, when photography became popular and affordable, people started trying memento mori portraiture. This essentially means death photography. It was expensive but not nearly as costly as getting a portrait painted, which was previously the only way to have last photos of loved ones. 

    People devised creative ways to remember the dead and posed them accordingly. This provided a new outlet for them to express their grief. Although it might seem disturbing to have these haunting photos, it was a widespread practice then. It was also a way to make peace with the increasing mortality rate. 

    Death acceptance might seem disturbing, but it’s a healthy practice that can help you live life fully and have more prosperous relationships. You can start small by checking out these comics about the afterlife and death.


    After 69 Years Of Marriage

    Woman laying in bed while her man is holding her hand

    My grandpa was extremely attentive to my grandma up until her last breath. We lay her to rest on Monday at the age of 95

    moosetta Report

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    Hi, Its Inna
    Community Member
    6 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    May you all find peace. Just looking at all these pictures are bringing me to tears.

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    My Little Brother (17) Was Shot A Few Weeks Ago And This Is The Last Pic I Took With Him

    Girl do and a boy all laying and hugging in bed

    This was Christmas morning. I feel weird sharing this but I'm just so heartbroken

    DeadOnceDecided Report


    Last Image Of Thai Diver Saman Kunan

    Diver posing in a cave

    He was transferring oxygen tanks for 12 boys and their coach, who were trapped in a cave. He got into difficulties and did not have enough air himself. He died after losing consciousness in one of the passageways



    A Father Comforts His Son, David Kirby, On His Deathbed In Ohio, 1989

    Grieving dad hugging his son and mother hugging her daughter

    It is widely considered the photo that changed the face of AIDS

    Therese Frare Report

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    6 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This one really got me... I don't think I can look at more of these...

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    My Beautiful Mom Before She Rapidly Deteriorated From A Giloblastoma

    Woman laying in hospital bed attached to multiple cords

    She walked into brain surgery with a smile on her face and it inspires me to always keep smiling even through hard times

    ihatecartoons Report

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    David Gilbert
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    6 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Reminds me of my own mother...wish I had that strength and humour when my time comes.

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    A Woman Battling Breast Cancer Married The Love Of Her Life

    Woman laying in hospital bed while celebrating her marriage

    On December 22, just 18 hours before passing away. The couple had a ceremony at a hospital chapel in Connecticut

    Christina Lee Karas Report

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    6 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Oh man, that must be the worst though. They finally got married--and then he lost her.

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    My Dad Passed Away Yesterday. Just Last Week He Was In China Traveling And Met A Panda

    Man hugging and smiling at Panda

    Although this is one of the last photos of him, it is my favorite

    Thegreatmaximus Report

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    Desiré Yen
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    6 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Awww that's Amazing that one of his last encounters was with a panda!!!

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    My Best Friend At My Wedding. By The Time Our Reception Was Over He Was Considered Brain Dead

    Multiple people sitting in a limo celebrating wedding

    I’m sure you can find out which one he was. He didn't say a word about feeling weird but when we arrived he got an Uber and rode home. He had a random brain bleed that could not be operated

    kaytoos Report

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    6 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Wow, this made me sad. Made me think of how short and how unpredictable life is.

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    Why Did the Victorian Era Take Haunting Photos of People After Death?

    The Victorian era was plagued with epidemics like cholera, diphtheria, and typhus. Many people died, and the majority of deaths were children. That’s why families were eager to have one token of remembrance of their kin after they took their last breath. The people were posed to resemble their likeness before death so the families would be at peace.

    Recalling the people we love just as they were is beautiful, but that isn’t always the case. Sometimes, secrets about people after their death reveal things you can’t imagine. 


    Two Engineers Died When The Windmill They Were Working On Caught Fire. This Might Be The Last Picture Of Them

    Two people standing on top of a burning windmill



    My Grandfather Just Passed Minutes Ago. This Was Taken Yesterday

    Man laying in bed and woman sitting and hugging him

    My grandma sat by his side like this for days. He escaped the Nazis, jumped a ship to the US. He suffered lung cancer from working in coal mines through his childhood

    Mrsrhea Report

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    6 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    How such an eventful and special life can come down to this heartbreaking moment

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    I Made The Last Photo I Took Of My Mom Into A Tattoo

    Colorful picture hand tattoo

    Hockeygirl1974 Report


    Last Picture Of My Husband Hugging Our Oldest Daughter

    Man hugging his daughter on sofa

    Taken days before he died of cardiac arrest during a seizure. I'll miss him more than I can ever explain

    NoTequila_NoAnal Report


    The Last Pictures I Ever Took Of My Mom

    Mom posting next to her birthday cake

    For her 60th birthday I surprised her with a chessboard cake, which she loved. A couple months later, she suddenly went into a coma on Christmas and never woke up

    snailbutterflysnake Report

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    Shadow Waffle
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    6 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I love how when it's turned around you see the words "wow" That seems really sweet to me

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    My Dad In Home Hospice Care Last Week With His Cat Brady. Lost His Fight Thursday Afternoon

    Dad laying in hospital bed while hugging a cat

    dcknight93 Report


    Photographer Captures A Photo Of The Mortar That Kills Her

    Explosion and a man standing on top of it

    Hilda Clayton Report

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    Nadja Lambacher
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    6 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Clayton took the picture during a live-fire training exercise on 2 July 2013 in Laghman Province, Afghanistan. The blast also killed four Afghan national army soldiers. One of them was a photojournalist Clayton had partnered with to train.

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    This Is The Last Picture I Took Of My Husband When I Dropped Him Off At The Airport

    Man walking towards the entrance of an airport

    4 days later he was found dead in his hotel room. I have no answers, my daughter has lost her father, and I am trying my best to pick up the pieces

    tonightasyousleep Report

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    6 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Was it murder or suicide? It was not a good idea going through these pictures. I have not been feeling well these past days. I am sad, crying, binge eating and have minor panic attacks daily and I don't know what is causing this, I have never felt like this before. Going through these posts is making me want to cry and feel more sad.

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    How Were the Bodies Posed in Victorian Death Photos?

    In all these photos of the last moments before death, the people seem happy and, most importantly—alive! A Victorian-era snapshot was the last photo ever taken of a person, so it also had to seem life-like. Photographers learned how to pose people and children to make the images seem natural. 

    In the last picture of the children, they would pose them to make it seem like they were sleeping. Some photographers added a tint to the image to bring color to the subject’s cheeks. All these photos were taken at home so the subject’s hair and clothes could be styled.

    These creative images helped ease the grief of many families during the time. People still create art to express their struggle with death. This provides an outlet for emotions and acceptance.


    Last Photo Of My Grandfather, He Passed Away A Couple Of Days Ago. The Doctor Was A Falconer And Brought His Falcon To The Hospital

    Man laying in hospital bed and touching a falcon statue other man is holding Report


    My Grandma Shows Off With Her Preparations For Guests. Exactly 9 Minutes Before We Called An Ambulance

    Woman sitting next to table full of food

    sarper361 Report


    My Dad Passed Away From A Brain Tumor. It Was The Last Time I Saw Him

    Man laying in hospital bed with his happy children

    This photo was taken the day I went back to university. He died 3 days later

    Cherublade Report

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    6 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My dad had some bleeding from his blood thinners and was taken to the hospital. I was due to leave for a work conference in a day or two. My best friend and I went to see him the night before and he was doing great. They were going to send him home in a couple of days. The last thing I said was " I love you, dad, just don't die while I'm gone!" He laughed and said he wasn't going to do that. 2 days later, I woke up in my hotel room to someone pounding on my door at 5 am. It was my supervisor, crying, to tell me that my dad had died from an embolism to the lung and that she had me on the next flight home. It was my 39th birthday. Always tell people that you love them because you never know when it will be the last time you ever get to say it to them...

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    See Also on Bored Panda

    This Is The Last Pic I Have Of My Dad And I, Taken On Christmas Day This Year

    Dad and his son posing for a selfie

    He lost his 14 month battle with stage 4 pancreatic cancer today

    HERMANNATOR85 Report


    The Last Image Of My Best Friend Tara (24) And Her Sister Pippa (21)

    Two best friends posing for a selfie in a beach

    Taken at the end of a 3-month trip around Morocco. They both died a day later in a car accident, as they started their journey back home to the UK for their mum's birthday

    awlilnatty Report


    My Brother (Left) Took His Life Earlier This Month

    Brother and sister eating on a bar table

    This is the last photo of us together, perfectly describing the relationship we had

    PinkGameboy Report

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    Well Hello There
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    6 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Depression can do lots of horrible things to a person, and as a depressed person, I know the feeling. Luckily, my friends and family are helping me get over it.

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    A Woman At My Work Passed Away Last Saturday From Cancer

    Woman sitting on bed and posing with her one arm up

    When my boss picked up her work phone yesterday she had deleted all of its content except for this picture

    grapeormelon Report

    See Also on Bored Panda

    This Is The Last Picture Of My Brother And I, Taken Days Before He Was Murdered This February

    Brother hugging his sister

    He was only 17. I miss him terribly

    itssydneyy Report

    What Was the Most Famous Last Photo of a Celebrity Taken Before Death?

    It can be devastating to witness the death of an actor or character that you value a lot. Celebrity deaths can hit hard because of the roles they play in our lives. One of the most shocking and creepy last photos before death was that of John Lennon. The Beatles singer had his photograph taken while singing an autograph for Mark David Chapman, the man who murdered him several hours later. Mark David Chapman was a Beatles fan but became enraged due to John Lennon’s comment about being “more popular than Jesus.” 

    Although the death of a beloved celebrity can hit hard, many people also struggle with the death of fictional characters. Whether it is characters from books, shows, or movies, people strongly connect with their roles and ideas. When they die, it can be heartbreaking.


    The Last Image I Ever Had With My Grandma Was This Hilarious Face-Swap

    Boy and grandma using face swap filter for a selfie

    krispycummies Report


    Last Picture I Took Of My Dad, 2 Weeks Before He Was Diagnosed With Lung Cancer

    Dog and a cat sitting next to their owner in a kitchen

    My cat and dog loved him. He died 4 months after

    theycallmedumpling Report


    My Parents Quietly Talking After My Dad's Giloblastoma Diagnosis

    Woman looking at the man who is laying in a hospital bed

    Tomorrow we put my sweet father to rest. Love you forever dad

    Maggiemygirl Report


    My Dad In Intensive Care. He Died Of Liver Failure Shortly After This

    Man laying in a hospital bed and doing funny poses for a picture

    He was always up for a laugh right to the end, his favourite saying was ‘fat but good looking’

    caldog1991 Report


    My Father, SFC Shawn Dostie, Holding Up Pictures Of My Sister And I

    A soldier holding pictures of his kids in his hands

    We sent him our photos for Christmas. He died just six days after this photo was taken

    Otterrpog Report

    See Also on Bored Panda

    My Dad, In The Hospital Dying Of Emphysema, Reading An Anti-Smoking Pamphlet I Made Him When I Was A Kid

    Man in a hospital bed reading a handmade card

    CharmingtheCobra Report

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    6 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    that is the most powerfull message you can send to people. he must be devastated to realise that if he listen to his boy he could still be alive

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    This Is The Last Photo I Have Of My Pop

    Old man with a knife and a fork looking at his birthday cake with candles

    He just passed away after turning 97. I never said goodbye

    aparadisestill Report

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    6 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I am wondeirng if it always is desirable to be able to say goodbye. We do not know the background, but this looks like one happy memory that will last.

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    My Best Friend (Left) And Myself For Our Last Ride Together

    Two man with a skateboard in a forest

    Two weeks after that day we got mugged and he died knifed to the heart

    PacoVelobs Report


    The Last Moments Of Claire Wineland Before She Went Into Surgery For A 2x Lung Transplant

    Woman in a hospital bed showing of her t-shirt

    Sugarcola Report

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    Carlota Ocón
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    6 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The way she talked about her illness and death really helped a lot of people. Bless her heart

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    My Granddaddy Passed Away Tonight At The Age Of 91

    Man sitting in a wheelchair next to a table with food

    This was a few months ago, after he got his new wheelchair. This is how I will remember him: happy and full of life

    tony_flamingo Report

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    Carlota Ocón
    Community Member
    6 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    He seems like a really nice guy, he has a lot of kindness in his eyes, sorry for your loss. <3

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    See Also on Bored Panda

    Geologist David A. Johnston, 13 Hours Before His Death At The 1980 Eruption Of Mount St. Helens

    Happy man sitting on a chair in a forest

    Harry Glicken Report


    My Son's Last Photo - Died 5 Minutes Later Due To Shallow Water Black Out

    Woman with swimming googles swimming in a pool

    fdnyubergeek Report

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    Laura Pantazis
    Community Member
    6 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Thank you to the poster for sharing this difficult story. I had never heard of this condition and looked it up. Sometimes I swim laps and will be breathing hard after laps, take a moment break, and then hold my breath as long as I can while I do more laps. I didn't realize that could be dangerous since I was so close to the surface.

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    My Mother, Easter Of 1986. Hospitalized With Terminal Cancer

    WOman preforming a puppet show for a kid

    She died in July but this was the last time she let herself to be photographed (I was 2 and a half)

    Mamanomie Report


    The Last Photo I Have Of My Grandma (And Mom, After A Long Night Of Drinks)

    Mom and her mother laying and hugging each other on an armchair

    She passed in November after a very brief battle with lung cancer. She was 63. I'm thankful for memories like these

    boogiemaths Report

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    6 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Goes to show you a mother's love doesn't matter how old their babies are. You will always want to hold them no matter how big they are.

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    Anthony Bourdain In Hong Kong, The Final Picture Of Himself On Twitter

    Anthony Bourdain Sitting on a bench and writing a journal

    Bourdain Report

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    Hi, Its Inna
    Community Member
    6 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Love you, Anthony- You were one of the people who helped me try other cultures food! you were never afraid to try new things, and to just be yourself. RIL

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    Last Photo Of Friend Who Fell 25 Feet To His Death

    Man taking a picture of something from a tall building

    throwawaybcfkarma Report

    See Also on Bored Panda

    What to Do With Family Photos After Death?

    Whether it’s the last photos before someone’s death or a bunch of albums that you have, it can be challenging to know what to do with so many photos. Here are a few steps to take care of the last photos of family members after they die:

    • Upload Them: You can create a secure folder and upload the following photos to save them for a long time. Digital images can’t get spoiled or damaged and can be shared easily with other people.
    • Store Well: Preserve the pictures well in an album or a stainless steel box so moisture doesn’t damage them. You can also restore vintage photographs to make them look fresh.
    • Make a Gallery Wall: You can print many photos and get them framed to create a gallery. Use these wall decor ideas to make it look beautiful.
    • Write a Book: Create a historical book or document with these images so your family can learn more about their lineage.
    • Share With Family: Distribute the last photos of your loved ones with other family members so they can save and keep them.

    This Is The Last Instagram Post By Famous Violinist Lindsey Stirling's Keyboardist, Jason Gaviati

    Jason Gaviati holding his hand up in a hospital's corridor

    He was diagnosed with burkitt's lymphoma and passed away on Nov 21st

    imgavi Report

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    Kate.Rodriguez 2022
    Community Member
    6 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    one day before that it was my sorry.... I bet he was a good guy

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    Death Is Final, but the Memories Live On

    All of these beautiful, haunting photos of people before death prove that their memory will live on in the hearts of their loved ones. Death is the final curtain call and one of life’s most mysterious secrets. Many people wonder what happens after death and whether their loved ones can still see and hear them. Nobody can know the truth until it happens to them, but few have come close, like people who came back to life.