Tumblr Explains Why Koalas Are Animals That Make Absolutely No Sense
Koalas are, surely, some of the cutest creatures on earth. With their fluffy ears, round bodies and beady eyes, they look like the softest plush toys; however, behind the cute koala exterior, a lot is going on with these marsupial animals. Their primary food source is eucalyptus tree leaves that are low in protein and high in toxins. Head of Koalas at Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary, Karen Nilsson, provided some fun facts about the animal. “They don’t rest/sleep for 18-20 hours straight – they have short periods of activity throughout 24 hours but their most active times are around dawn and dusk,” she told Bored Panda. “Contrary to rumors, you cannot catch Chlamydia from koalas!” she added. Despite being extremely slow, these small marsupials are rarely preyed upon, with only dingos, large pythons and some birds of prey sometimes attacking.
That would make you think ‘oh, great, they must live for quite a while’, and while that statement might be right to some extent as the beady-eyed koala bears (that are, in fact, marsupials) can survive up to 18 years, there are a plethora of problems that the lil’ guys face in their existence. Tumblr has come together once again to address some of the little known animal facts about koalas and explain why they’re approaching an “evolutionary dead-end.” Scroll down below to read them and tell us what you think!
More info: koala.net
While koalas have an absolutely adorable exterior, behind it there’s a plethora of problems that they face
Image credits: Erik Veland
And people of Tumblr have come together to discuss some of them
Image credits: Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary
Watch the video below to hear some of the koala sounds mentioned
Or the screaming that one user explained
Share on FacebookHaving spent a number of years rescuing koalas from all sorts of situations, I agree they are not the most well designed animal and they are indeed fragile and at times completely mystifying in their ways. Unlike humandisastersquad I have seen koalas eat a variety of things they are not supposed to eat but I am aware they can smell the amount of chemical constituent in leaves and feed accordingly. It is sad that an animal, so visually connected with my country is at once loved and unprotected in it's natural habitat. They may be odd and evolution may ensure their extinction in times to come, but I can assure you....they are beautiful and deserve as much research, funds and care as any other species.....to provide a future for our rare and beloved koalas.
Having spent a number of years rescuing koalas from all sorts of situations, I agree they are not the most well designed animal and they are indeed fragile and at times completely mystifying in their ways. Unlike humandisastersquad I have seen koalas eat a variety of things they are not supposed to eat but I am aware they can smell the amount of chemical constituent in leaves and feed accordingly. It is sad that an animal, so visually connected with my country is at once loved and unprotected in it's natural habitat. They may be odd and evolution may ensure their extinction in times to come, but I can assure you....they are beautiful and deserve as much research, funds and care as any other species.....to provide a future for our rare and beloved koalas.