119 Heartbreaking Photos Of Pollution That Will Inspire You To Recycle
20 million Americans mobilized on April 22, 1970; 30 years later, that number was up to 200 million citizens of the Earth. What was the cause that brought these people together? The desire to make the Earth a better place.
Earth Day is not a holiday, but an annual event dedicated to demonstrating support for environmental action. Consider the math: in many Western countries, each person generates 4.3lb (1.95kg) of waste every day, up from 2.7 (1.2kg) in 1960. There are now 7.3 billion people in the world; with the current population growth rate of 1.1%, this means that in roughly 64 years, the Earth's population will be almost 15 billion.
That's a lot of garbage. Let's do our part, avoid the mistakes of the past, and keep our planet clean! If you have an image of pollution in our neighborhood, add a photo to this list - and then help clean it up!
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Tortoise Trapped By Plastic
Turtle Trapped In Plastic Waste Couldn't Grow
Koala Lost Her Home
Bird In Oil Spill
Albatross Killed By Excessive Plastic Ingestion In Midway Islands (North Pacific)
Stork Trapped In Plastic
Suffering Seal Not Safe In Its Own Habitat
Oiled Penguins
Surfing On A Wave Full Of Trash In Java (Indonesia), The World’s Most Populated Island
He Spends Each Morning Looking For Recyclable Plastic That He Can Sell For 35 Cents Per Kilo To Help His Family
What a s**t way to make a living, but in a small way he is helping to clean up some of the pollution.
Fake Hong Kong Skyline For Tourists
Seal's Nose Trapped In Plastic Waste
Bird In Oil Spill
Boy Swimming In Polluted Water In India
Child Drinks Water From Stream In Fuyuan County, Yunnan Province
So sad to see this. We are all lucky we can drink clean water every day.
Girl Walks Through Smog In Beijing, Where Small-Particle Pollution Is 40 Times Over International Safety Standard
Worker Cleans Away Dead Fish At A Lake In Wuhan, Central China's Hubei Province
The fish could of had a future but all they got was the filthy death we gave them.
Ken River Oil Field, California (USA) – Exploited Since 1899
Mexico City Landscape, 20 Million Inhabitants
Child Swims In A Polluted Reservoir, Pingba
Landscape Full Of Trash In Bangladesh
wait till the day the whole earth is like this , just because of stupidity
Man Cleans Up Oil Spill In Dalian Port, Liaoning
Great Wall Of China, Shame
Shame on tourists! It's not because you are not home that you can do whatever you want!
A Bald Sunbear In Borneo Where Major Deforestation Is Threatening Their Habitat And Health
Residents Look At A Heavily Polluted River, Zhugao, Sichuan Province
A Mute Swan Builds A Nest Using Plastic Garbage
Landfill In Accra (Ghana). Our Electronic Rubbish Usually Ends Up In Third-world Countries
Boy Swims In Algae-filled Water, Qingdao, Shandong
Man Walks By Pipe Discharging Waste Water Into Yangtze River
Frog In Polluted Water
Journalist Takes A Sample Of Polluted Red Water From Jianhe River
Crab Lives In Old Bottle
Plastic Bag Floats In The Sea Off The Philippines. Ocean Plastic Has Turned Up Literally Everywhere - In The Deep Sea And Buried In Arctic Ice
Young Raccoon With Fishing Lure Caught In Lip.
Over 3000 Dead Pigs Fished Out Of Huangpu River
not sure if this is from pollution.. maybe some sort of disaster. a damn shame nonetheless.
A Family Walks On A Garbage-strewn Beach In Mumbai
Boy In Polluted Water
Fire At Oil Platform In Gulf Of Mexico, April 2010
Boy Tries To Avoid Scattered Rubbish Floating On A Flooded Street In Shantou, Guangdong Province
California Drought
Fishermen Row A Boat In The Algae-filled Chaohu Lake In Hefei, Anhui Province
Workers Try To Drain Sewage Water From Leaking Sewage Tank, Shanghang, Fujian
they are cleaning some industry equipment, so what is the problem? No pollution outside. you are trying to manipulate our minds.
Buildings In Beijing Surrounded By Smog
Dry 'river' In Northern Bali - When The Rains Come The Plastic Washes Out To Sea.
Indonesian Forest Transformed Into Palm Plantation
This is so sad to see, and is the reason younger generations will probably only see orangutans in zoological museums
Workers Clean Up Floating Garbage On The Yangtze River
Terrible Pollution In India's Rivers
Brazil Drought
Pollution From A Factory In Yutian, 100km East Of Beijing
Plastic Sandals Found On Beaches In Raja Ampat
Part Of The Amazonian Jungle In Brazil, Burnt Down To Be “Repurposed”
An Elderly Man Uses A Broom To Sweep Away A Burst Of Algal Bloom From The Surface Of A Pond In Order To Bathe In Jiaxing
yeah, and he's washing out the shampoo or something like that out of his head. Way to go.
Cat And Trash At A Beautiful Beach In The Westsahara, Morocco
Pollution In Tiananmen Square In China
Girl And Her Father Collect Water From Puddle At Dried-up Reservoir, Baofeng County
Blizzard Of Nor'easters No Surprise Thanks To Climate Change
Madhya Pradesh,in.:cows Awaiting Death,poisoned By Plasic,eaten With Food In The Garbage.
A River In The Suburbs Of Mumbai.
Plastic Kochin, India
Terrible! I was there with my family 2008 and it didn´t look like this then....
Open Dumping In The Streets Of New Delhi, India
Taken At A Tourist Spot In India - 2011
I suppose it only takes one t****r to throw a bottle down there and the rest will follow!!
Mekong - Laos.
Derilect Building In Johannesburg
The Ship-breakers Of Bangladesh
Ship-breakers area good example of recycling business. This photo is not about pollution at all.
Landfill Perimeter 2 Days After Being Cleaned
The Tunisian Chemical Group Ecocide In Gabes (tunisia)
The Tunisian Chemical Group Ecocide In Gabes (tunisia)
The Tunisian Chemical Group Ecocide In Gabes (tunisia)
The Tunisian Chemical Group Ecocide In Gabes (tunisia)
The Tunisian Chemical Group Ecocide In Gabes (tunisia)
Shall We Take A Swim In Plastic Soup, We Don't Have To Go Far...
why I boycott the filthy stuff - If you want to cut your plastic footprint check out plastic free alternatives www.plasticisrubbish.com
Future Of Wildlife
The Tunisian Chemical Group Ecocide In Gabes (tunisia)
Pelican Unable To Fly Due To A Plastic Wire Around Its Legs
The Tunisian Chemical Group Ecocide In Gabes (tunisia)
The Tunisian Chemical Group Ecocide In Gabes (tunisia)
The Tunisian Chemical Group Ecocide In Gabes (tunisia)
The Tunisian Chemical Group Ecocide In Gabes (tunisia)
The Tunisian Chemical Group Ecocide In Gabes (tunisia)
The Tunisian Chemical Group Ecocide In Gabes (tunisia)
The Tunisian Chemical Group Ecocide In Gabes (tunisia)
The Tunisian Chemical Group Ecocide In Gabes (tunisia)
The Tunisian Chemical Group Ecocide In Gabes (tunisia)
The Tunisian Chemical Group Ecocide In Gabes (tunisia)
The Tunisian Chemical Group Ecocide In Gabes (tunisia)
The Tunisian Chemical Group Ecocide In Gabes (tunisia)
The Tunisian Chemical Group Ecocide In Gabes (tunisia)
The Tunisian Chemical Group Pollution In Gabes (tunisia)
The Tunisian Chemical Group Ecocide In Gabes (tunisia)
The Tunisian Chemical Group Ecocide In Gabes (tunisia)
The Tunisian Chemical Group Ecocide In Gabes (tunisia)
The Tunisian Chemical Group Ecocide In Gabes (tunisia)
The Tunisian Chemical Group Ecocide In Gabes (tunisia)
The Tunisian Chemical Group Ecocide In Gabes (tunisia)
Radioactive Pollution Of Gabes Coast (tunisia)
The Tunisian Chemical Group Ecocide In Gabes (tunisia)
The Tunisian Chemical Group Ecocide In Gabes (tunisia)
The Tunisian Chemical Group Ecocide In Gabes (tunisia)
The Tunisian Chemical Group Ecocide In Gabes (tunisia)
The Tunisian Chemical Group Ecocide In Gabes (tunisia)
The Tunisian Chemical Group Pollution In Gabes (tunisia)
The Tunisian Chemical Group Ecocide In Gabes (tunisia)
The Tunisian Chemical Group Ecocide In Gabes (tunisia)
The Tunisian Chemical Group Ecocide In Gabes (tunisia)
The Tunisian Chemical Group Ecocide In Gabes (tunisia)
The Tunisian Chemical Group Ecocide In Gabes (tunisia)
The Tunisian Chemical Group Ecocide In Gabes (tunisia)
The Tunisian Chemical Group Ecocide In Gabes (tunisia)
The Tunisian Chemical Group Ecocide In Gabes (tunisia)
The Tunisian Chemical Group Ecocide In Gabes (tunisia)
The Dog's Really Want To Eat Something (romania)
Nuclear Waste Px Born Monkey Man Hybrid
Social Impact Entrepreneur Solving Global Problems With Neutopia Ecoparks, Belize 2015
Neutopia ecoSOLUTIONS Inc is world's first social impact environmental solutions company, ANYONE CAN DO IT!
Sleeping Waterbury Squalor Albino
this photograph is an insult to all who take the placing of pictures about polution serious.
God put us here to take care of His creatures, not kill them with trash
God put us here to take care of His creatures, not kill them with trash