The story behind this beautiful photo series is almost as amazing as the jellyfish shots themselves and comes from the deep waters of the White sea in Russia. The shots were taken by a marine biologist and underwater photography professional Alexander Semenov and his team of scientific divers, who are now forced to raise funds to be able to continue their ocean creatures research and work.

The White Sea Biological Station of Lomonosov’s Moscow State University is located at the border of the Arctic circle, and besides the team working there, welcomes students, Ph.D.’s, scientists and volunteers from all around the world. The station was founded in 1938 and was mostly built by enthusiasts who came here because of the amazing atmosphere that had being developed over many years at the station.

“This is an unusual and unique mix of students energy, serious science, and the harsh northern nature,” says Alexander.

However, the diving shed, where they all change, warm-up, or prepare for diving, is already getting into a hazardous state and needs everyone’s help. Some time ago, Alexander launched a fundraiser on IndieGogo, where he hoped to achieve his dream of building suitable and comfortable diving shed for all the diving and science enthusiasts in Russia. Unfortunately, they received only $980 of the $18,000 goal. By sharing these amazing images of various types of jellyfish by Alexander Semenov, we hope to spread the word and help him succeed next time.
