50 Before & After Pics Show The Difference A Day Of Adoption Can Make To A Shelter Pet
Adopting a pet is a big responsibility, and it will often change the life of the person adopting the pet. It will also, however, absolutely change the life of the pet being adopted as well. These pictures will show you how much difference a single day can make in the life of a pet that has finally been adopted.
It may take a while for some of these pets to get back to proper nutrition, but the change in many of them is psychological, not physical. The look that appears on their face once they've realized that they're going to live in a new forever home is one that probably hasn't crossed their face in a very long time.
Needless to say, if you're thinking about getting a pet, please consider the pros and cons of adoption, too! But if you've already got a cute before-and-after adoptee, we'd love to see their shining face in this post!
(h/t: buzzfeed)This post may include affiliate links.
Bumble Bee
Ned On The Ride Home From The Shelter
Little Stray Cat
That is a beautiful shepherd. They're cute when they're pups, but that is going to be a really (big) beautiful dog. Happy family!
Little Guy
Lucky little guy! And lucky owner! Such beautiful white teeth, too. Wish I could have got my dog's teeth that white.
A Lucky Golden Retrievier
Stray Cat
Dumbo Plakat Betta Fish
What a amazing change his colour has totally changed ☺️ that's a happy fish xx
Mira - Found With Severe Mange - Before And After :)
Lucy Loo
Carozo Was Abandoned After Being Used By Hunters. Now In A Loving Home.
Ara:)- Adopted Her 2 Months Ago
Nora Budulis
God, look at the hope in those eyes! And so much happier in the photo on the right :)
Mazdak(means Wise Little Guy In Persian)lost His Leg In A Car Accident In The Streets Of Tehran
Moos Before And After
Mochi, Months After Rescued From A Backyard Breeder
That's terrible! How could anyone be so cruel - the poor thing's skeletal! Looks much better now :)
Me Beloved Zoya - Adopt! Change A Life!
I've cheated a bit. It's not after a day, but some weeks. She was very ill, and it lasted a very long time to get better.
Tyron, Found Terrorised And With Pneumonia Crying Under A Car.
Brillo, Rescued One Year Ago. Don't Buy A Life... Adopt!
It makes me smile to see people take the time to figure out how to help their fuzzy kids instead of just giving up. You're an awesome person
#dana 1 Year Later!
Lea - When I Found Her On The Street She Was Starving And Couldn't Walk
Penny Lane
1.death Camp Shelter In Romania With Newborn Pups 2.in A Loving Family In Belgium With Her Son
Nana After 5 Years Adoption
My Name Is Oz ... And I'm A Little Wizard :)
Didi, At 2 Weeks Old ( Found In A Bush )and Now,after 3 Years In My Home With Her Teddy Bear.
Theo. Before: Scared And Lonely - Now: The Sweetest Cat Ever.
Zeus - Adopted At Age 14, And Even Younger Now One Year On :)
My Alanek, Difference Only 12 Weeks
I think it was probably a prop and I'm sure she is grateful to be in a home where jewelry is the only thing she needs to worry about now.
Jake :)
Bella Moose
Holly Before And After Adoption
They are all sweet. It is clear they are finally being loved. I bet the owners' pictures would show a happier change too :)
I can bet the same thing :D I do think to give shelter to one dog as well http://bit.ly/1FzaH3S
Load More Replies...True story... We adopted a rescue dog few months ago and after few days her face changed from "not interested in anything" to happy :-)
This makes me very happy, and makes us a better society reflected here, as how we treat our most vulnerable and those without a voice.
They are all sweet. It is clear they are finally being loved. I bet the owners' pictures would show a happier change too :)
I can bet the same thing :D I do think to give shelter to one dog as well http://bit.ly/1FzaH3S
Load More Replies...True story... We adopted a rescue dog few months ago and after few days her face changed from "not interested in anything" to happy :-)
This makes me very happy, and makes us a better society reflected here, as how we treat our most vulnerable and those without a voice.