If you’re wondering how you will look like when you hit 100 years, take a look at these photos! “Jahrhundertmensch” (or “Century Man”) is a project by German photographer Karsten Thormaehlen who photographed more than 40 centenarians between 2006 and 2012. Their portraits were published in two different books, “Living a Century”(2008) and „Happy at One Hundred“ (2011).

You must be wondering what secret elixir these centenarians have been using – and the answer is, one couldn’t be specified! Some of them would mention an occasional glass of whiskey, but the winning answer must’ve been those people’s ability to deal with stress and difficult situations (such as the two world wars). Scientists claim that the key factor is mostly good genes and healthy diet, plus, enthusiastic and extrovert personalities tend to cope with trials of old age better. So basically – smile, and you”ll hit a 100!



    If you want to see more, check out the book: Happy at One Hundred.