One of the great things about the world we live in is the rich and diverse variety of languages that you can find across the globe. The only problem is that, as you can see from these pictures, sometimes these languages don't quite translate, turning into Engrish, Spanglish or Chinglish along the way.
In homage to hilariously bad translations and funny slogans, Bored Panda has compiled this list of t-shirt design from East Asia that don't quite say what they should ("Texas state it's a triangle OMG so hipster triangle," for example). Some of them don't say anything at all (well, not unless "temmby woroing terrislylastly" means anything to anyone?). But while all of them may have failed as far as translation is concerned, they have all definitely succeeded in making us laugh. Hard.
Seen any funny t-shirt translations that we might have missed? Then add to them to the list below and don't forget to vote for your favorite!
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I'm A Kindergarten Teacher In China And One Of My Students Was Rocking This Shirt Today
I Saw This Girl In Tokyo
While At The Golden Pavilion In Kyoto, I Saw This Man With Quite Possibly The Greatest Shirt In Japan
Teaching English In Korea. Best Shirt Ever? Yup!
My Chinese Friend Doesn't Understand English. This Is Her Favourite Top
This Little Guy
Inspirational T-Shirt In Asia
Gangsta Granny
My Brother Teaches English In Vietnam. I Don't Think This Young Student Or His Parents understood What His T-Shirt Meant
I Deliver Food To Seniors Who Live In Homes As A Side Job. This Woman's Shirt Made My Day
Matching Sweaters For Your Favorite And Second Favorite Child
My Buddy Is Teaching Young Kids In Taiwan. This Is His Student
Haters Gonna Hate And Ain'ters Gonna Ain't
Got A New Shirt, It Means 'Tranquility' In English
Japan And Its Impossible Standards
Funny English-Language Slogans On T-Shirts Is Nothing New In Asia, But This One Really Stood Out To Me
Much Sense. Wow
You Don't Want To Mess With This Lady
Another Awesome Japanese Shirt Found In Their "American" Store
Think Less
The Shirts In Korea Are The Best. There Are 1000s Of Them
Uh, No Thanks, Chinese Kid
My Wife Photographed This Woman In Beijing Last Week. Better Not Wear That Shirt When You Travel, Lady
covering all the bases right there.... and in such friendly font with a heart and dots....
Found This Shirt In China. All Hail Chairman Obamao
I Can Feel The Love Tonight
I Saw This Guy In South Korea And Asked If He Knew What His Shirt Said, He Didn't Speak English
I Have Gas
Here's One Funny T-Shirt From Japan
My Favourite Find While I Was In Asia
Lovely Combination
Yes, Indeed
Please Don't Drop Your Bomb
Future Man
I Found This In Beijing
I Teach In South Korea. Today An Entire Class Showed Up To School Wearing These Shirts
Korean Shirt
Dear Friend
And The Winner Of The "Best Shirt In China" Award Is...
This Shirt Is Shirt
Everybody Must Get Stoned
Ahh Yes... Nonsense Clothing In Japan You Say
Precise Dwarf Bravery
Oh Chinese T-Shirt, Truer Words Were Never Spoken
T-Shirts In Japan
I Love Casio
Emm... No
The Best T-Shirt To Wear While Travelling The World
Dubai's Entry In The Best Failed English T-Shirt
Gotta Love The T-Shirt
Touch Me Now
English Writing On Clothes In Asia
I Am In Tokyo, And Found This In A Shopping Mall
Pshh. It Doesn't Make You Better Than Me
Truer Words Were Never Spoken
This Rebel Kid
Bad English T-Shirt In Korea
I've Heard Women Like Bad Boys, But This Is Ridiculous
We All Scream For Ice-cream!
English Teacher Went To Japanese Clothing Stores And Got Slightly Confused
Found This Shirt In Japan. I Think They Just Stuck Together Random Words
This Boy And His T-shirt
Don't Have A Box New
My Wife Found This T-Shirt In A Seoul, Korea Market
Massachubatts is lovely this time of year, but not as lovely as it was in the 17th century.
Middle Aged Japanese Women Eating Sushi
"I didn't really feel like celebrating your birthday at this restaurant so I picked my most passive-aggressive shirt"
There's Just So Much Going On In This Photo, But The Sweater That The Guys Wearing Tops It Off!
Creepy T-Shirt For Baby
Sniffing Glue Won't Keep Families Together
It's Only Baby Burn
Don't Be Greedy!
My Brother Lives In South Korea. He Bought Me This Shirt
Dudious : the adjective form for "dude". Thank you South Korea for improving my vocabulary everyday :D
Funny T-Shirt
This works with:
Saw This Asian Tourist At The Airport. She Didn't Choose The Thug Life
Japanese English
Internet Arguments, Now In Shirt Form
Found Of Walks
Try It
Found This T-Shirt In China
T-Shirt Found In South Korea
Thanks For Sharing That, Aqua Lover.
Good Morning & Good Bye
Spotted In Thailand.
Language Barrier
Wise Words
Swim With A What Now? Found In Hangzhou, China.
My Friend Modeling My Favorite English T-Shirt Sold In Japan
T-Shirts In Japan
I Want Beard Your Sexy
My Buddy Snapped This Pic While Teaching In Busan.
Asian T-Shirt
Japanese Granny
Sound Philosophy In Fuzhou, China
Don't Cry Say Fuck You And Smile ... Paris
An original Paris quote... She really likes to use the apostrophe randomly. So stylish!
12 Year Old Girl At The Terra Cotta Soldiers In Xi'an
Different Version Of The Movie From What I Remember...
Mushroom Quicho
Who Gives This Kind Of Hairpin To A Little Girl?!?
A Shit Jumper (pull Over) From Japan.
Makes Sense
Strange Asian T-Shirt
Found In A High End Store In Tokyo.
#92 My Vies Follo The Views
Still Need More?
At Least He's Honest.
#129 I Don't Need Sex...
Water On The Thirstry Soil
A Jumper Sold In Japan
A T-shirt From Japan
The Beginning Of Knowledge?
Seems This Dwarf Bravery Is A Thing..
Richland Bombers
The Back Of An Unusual United Way(?) Sweatshirt I Purchased From A Thrift Shop In Tokyo.
At A Train Station In Osaka. There Were About Five Of These Young Women With Matching Outfits.
Seen On A Street In Osaka
This Girl In My English Class In Central China Obviously Has Her Priorities Straight.
This Is A Boy Who Knows What He Wants. Found In An English Class In Central China.
It's Nice To Share (taiwan)
One Of My Fifth Graders In Ulsan, South Korea~!
Oh Japan.. Why Can You Always Find My Temper?
Oh No! My Crush!
Supermarket Café In Harbin, Heilongjiang Province.
Local Man In Bali Loves What..?!
Blog Writers Suck, China
Sound Philosophy In Fuzhou, China
He Learned Young
what should I think? as it says swank, not wank. The kid is holding his arm over the "s"
I Spotted This One In Moscow
Or The Letter N?
Maybe they just want you to remember all you frieds. Fried egg, fried chicken, fried shrimp. All the frieds!
Overly Attached Girlfriend Called.. (tokyo)
What’s wrong with this shirt? I get that it’s not exactly grammatically correct, but it’s close enough! Also, about the title, maybe it’s for a wife or fiancé or a husband or groom. You never know
Hmm, So Warm.. (japan)
I Got This Shirt In Tokushima Japan
Whilst Working On English Camp In Thailand.
Yes, The Toilet Should Be Sure It Cleans Itself
Who's The Lucky One?!
There's something inherently charming about seeing phrases get lost in translation, particularly when it leads to unexpected humor, as seen with various badly translated shirts.
For further amusement, explore our collection of English translation fails spotted in Japan.
I think Asian countries have the same lists, but then with western people wearing shirts with stupid characters in an Asian language.
My son came home with a baseball hat his friend gave him for his birthday. It had Chinese letters across it. I asked a Chinese friend to read it and she got hysterical. It said "hat."
I think Asian countries have the same lists, but then with western people wearing shirts with stupid characters in an Asian language.
My son came home with a baseball hat his friend gave him for his birthday. It had Chinese letters across it. I asked a Chinese friend to read it and she got hysterical. It said "hat."