Over 20 years ago, I was struggling to make ends meet and needed to decide whether to stick with my dream of supporting my family as an artist or getting a 9 to 5 job.
One morning, sitting in my studio – I got it! I called my wife (who is an artist herself) and told her about my idea – painting on multiple levels of glass. The following week we took some pieces I made to a show and sold out! :)
Each painting includes several layers of glass separated by interior frames. The depth creates a game of hide-and-go-seek. Light and shadow create the illusion of movement.
I’d like to offer all you, Bored Panda viewers, 50% OFF any of our Limited Edition paintings. Coupon code: BOREDPANDA and the offer stands until June 7th.
More info: jeanpierreweill.com
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reverse glass painting is not unique and has been done for many years Nice work though
These would need to be seen in person,I think, to get the full effect. Would love to see them
I'm really glad you enjoyed this! I'd love to hear more about what you like - check out www.jeanpierreweill.com and Contact Us.
I'm really glad you enjoyed this! I'd love to hear more about what you like - check out www.jeanpierreweill.com and Contact Us.
reverse glass painting is not unique and has been done for many years Nice work though
These would need to be seen in person,I think, to get the full effect. Would love to see them
I'm really glad you enjoyed this! I'd love to hear more about what you like - check out www.jeanpierreweill.com and Contact Us.