I like to call myself a "Catographer" because it's been almost 6 years that I've been taking exclusively cat photos. I've worked on two main projects ("Passions" and the ongoing "C-AT Work") before starting the Cats in Venice project that became a book in April 2018.
So during these years, I met many amazing cats, each one with different qualities and behaviors. I've always tried to catch cats' expressions of satisfaction, or 'Catisfaction' as I like to call it, a sort of happy face or feeling. These attempts were previously featured on Bored Panda.
This is what I like the most ‒ when cats show some kind of happiness. Many people say that cats don't smile as dogs do... Well, this is the proof that cats can smile as well!
So, I made a selection of photos from different cat projects I've implemented during these years that shows what 'Catisfaction' looks like. I don't know if they are really happy or not but their faces in moments of relaxation, when they are enjoying cuddles, make me smile and give me a sense of peace that seems like happiness.
I like cats because they don't do what you want them to do. They understand us very well, but they choose not to do what you are asking for. I think this is why people think they are antisocial. This is also what I appreciate in these photos the most ‒ it is all so spontaneous, no one can tell them to 'be satisfied' and it makes me realize that these moments are very precious and intimate. That's how 'Catisfaction' looks like!
More info: mariannazampieri.it
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Catisfied Colony Cats
Catisfied Emma
Catisfied Tabby
Catisfied Matta
Catisfied Ruffy
Catisfied Eia
Catisfied Ricky
Catisfied Romeo
Catisfied Mino
Catisfied Codamozza
Catisfied Ginger
Catisfied Grigetta
Catisfied Enrica
Catisfied Pallina
Wow, really catisfying to go through this series. You must be very catisfied with yourself for producing this. I can just thank you for sharing your work and hope to see more of it soon.
Thank you so much!! I love seeing cats Catisfied, I will go on searching to do my best ;)
Wow, really catisfying to go through this series. You must be very catisfied with yourself for producing this. I can just thank you for sharing your work and hope to see more of it soon.
Thank you so much!! I love seeing cats Catisfied, I will go on searching to do my best ;)