As a blacksmith I’d rank my skill level a “2” with the rank of 10 being Thor himself!

My introduction here is simple. Blacksmithing is a tool I use to show the INSANITY of our wasteful society and in the process a passion is explored.

I guess you could call blacksmithing a passion of mines. I have a good time making a knife that is good; sharp, durable, and appealing. However, what makes the real joy in the hours I spend with hot metal is the story that is created. Taking old “throw away” material and transforming them into the knives posted, this is very cool in my eyes.

The materials range from old files, rebars, chainsaw chains, and basically any thing with rust you can find in a junk yard.

Keep exploring and creating folks:)

More info:


    Chainsaw chain –> knife:)

    Out of the forge and into the…squad

    Exploring knots and strings


    Knife made of an old wood chisel blade
