Ewww! Gross! These are not usually the reactions I’m going for when I am making one of my novelty cake designs. But when it comes to my zombielicious Brain Cake, it’s music to my ears!
I’ve been baking for 18 years, and my YouTube show “How To Cake It” lets me unleash my passion for cake decorating and Halloween-themed everything in a whole new way. I’m working my way through my caking bucket list. All the cakes I’ve always wanted to make but never had the opportunity. If I can make someone say, “Is that a CAKE?!”, I know I’ve done my job :)
My Brain Cake episode was inspired by The Walking Dead premiere this week. Why should humans have all the fun? Zombies deserve a premiere celebration too! I whipped them up a blood-red velvet cake in the best Halloween treats fashion with ropes of brainy fondant and oozing with seedless raspberry jam. I hope that this super easy recipe will entice you to make your own Halloween desserts!
Carve your deep red velvet cake into a brain shape
Shower it in simple syrup. Gotta keep that brain fresh and moist!
Roll your fondant into ropes, and twizzle it into brain tissue. Yes, twizzle is the technical term
Cover your Brain Cake in raspberry jam. Get in all the nooks and crannies. Don’t be afraid to splatter
Invite your undead friends over for a feast
Bonus points if you eat your Brain Cake with your hands. Zombies aren’t so good with forks!
Exploring unconventional cake designs can unlock a whole new world of baking creativity. Similar to the struggles faced in the realm of hedgehog cakes, as seen with various attempts where results often strayed from the expected visual outcomes, my journey in novelty baking is filled with trial and error too.
You can learn more about these baking challenges by diving into the humorous world of memorable baking mishaps.
Share on FacebookThat is great idea I would do it but I'm too lazy for that … ( sorry for the bad English)
That is great idea I would do it but I'm too lazy for that … ( sorry for the bad English)