We Converted An Old Cargo Van Into A Mobile Home – We Live In It For 6 Months Now
My fianceé, Dóri and I, Norbi quit our jobs, bought this old van, converted it to our home and now we are travelling around Europe and Morocco since last year!
It took more than 700 hours of work and planning for the two of us, but we are really happy with the result and have the comfort we need for a long trip.
Scroll down to see how we made Debella and how we live!
More info: Facebook
It was a 16 years old Peugeot Boxer, which was used for transporting vegetables. We worked on it 700+ hours during 4,5 months.
First we experimented by modelling the furniture from cardboard to see what sizes would work the best.
Then we started the actual designing process, where we created a concept, how things should be. Of course lot of things changed during the actual conversion as we were still learning the whole thing…
We made a very basic manual for each furniture element, like LEGO or IKEA make these nice instruction manuals. Except ours was quite messy. :)
While we did the designing in the evenings, we started to work with the van. The first big step was to cut out the hole for the skylight. It is something that can’t be undone, I was really stressed!
Insulation was the next big thing (after creating a wooden grid for the inner shell). We researched a lot as this is a very important and sensitive part of the build. Finally, we chose the little-bit industrial, blown PUR foam, so we won’t have to worry about moisture between the layers. Now, we still think this was the best method, it really makes a big difference!
The inner shell is made from OSB while for the furniture we used reclaimed wood and MDF sheets.
The wiring runs under the surface.
The most complex thing in the van is the electrical system. We had to read a lot about it to be able to design one, but you can find everything on the internet so it is not that hard.
After you know what to do, it is quite easy: you just need to attach the elements. Our ‘electric panel’ became quite dense: wiring needs space!
We have 2 100 Ah 12V battery, MPPT solar charger, relay (to charge from engine), a small inverter, fuses and of course an amplifier for the music!
We made a roof rack and placed a 250W solar panel on top. The whole system is perfectly enough for us.
Continue with the furniture…
… and do some paint job.
The little home has a small, but fully-equipped kitchen with a sink…
… and a 3-burner gas stove.
We can easily make a christmas dinner for two!
The best is when we can open all the doors in the middle of nature.
The exterior is quite discreet. No unnecessary attention.
Couch during the day…
…double-bed at night.
Less is more – simple surfaces.
We have a folding table as well. Under the seating, there’s a small fridge.
We have an outside shower connected to the water system, which we can use behind the van.
Home is where you park it…
…on the seaside in Spain…
…somewhere inland…
…in the mountains of Morocco…
…under the palm trees…
…or in the Sahara desert!
Thanks for reading! See more on our facebook or blog: https://rundebella.wordpress.com
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