I started making these pincushions because, quite truthfully, I found the traditional tomato pincushion to be boring. To feel inspired, I feel that one needs to see something a bit better than just a red tomato on their table. So I made my favorite animal, something that I love looking at on a daily basis: a cat. A very fat cat.

I love coming up with new ideas or characters and transforming that into a felt work of art. I try to incorporate personality into each and every character that I create. And humor as well. Because if you can’t enjoy yourself while you’re sewing, what’s the fun in that?

I’m happiest when I’m in my room sewing these, but they can be deceptively challenging. There’s a lot of hand sewing involved, so depending on the design, one pincushion can take up to 4 hours to complete. Be I believe that it’s all worth it in the end!

More info: Etsy


    Cat Burglar

    Steampunk Cat

    Beware Swimming Cat!


    Book Lover Cat


    Shakespeare Cat

    Sword Fighting Cat

    Breading Cats


    Unicorn Cats

    Spring Cats

    Bollywood Dancer Cat

    Viking Cat


    Day of the Dead Cat


    The Epic Battle: Dino-Cat vs Shark-Cat!