Shocking series of fleshy looking objects by a Chinese artist Cao Hui  left such an impression on us that we’re still reeling from it. In his disturbing series the Beijing-based sculptor challenges our perception of everyday objects by re-imagining their insides as if they had real organs.

To our relief, no animals or humans were harmed in the making of these sculptures. Hui gets the viewer’s attention through deception, creating the impression of real flesh by using materials such as resin and fibre.

“Increasingly uneasy and dissatisfied with merely describing surface appearances, artists now attempt to plumb the inner reaches of things; an agenda that apparently moves into science or other fields,” says Hui in his artist’s statement. “It seems artists are no longer happy just being artists, but are driven by their inborn love of performance to try out new roles, such as philosopher, scientist, doctor or perhaps even engineer.”

More info: (h/t: designboom)


    Image credits: lin & lin gallery. All pieces by Cao Hui