This Cat With A Human-Like Face Is Going Viral, And We Can’t Unsee It
You might remember the post we did on funny cat paintings from Medieval times, where felines not only look flat and creepy but also sport some uncanny human-like features. This Maine coon cat looks like it has stepped straight out of one of these paintings.
Valkyrie, a very adorable and fluffy cat, is the new Internet sensation precisely because of this reason. The black cat’s visage eerily reminds a human face that is very odd for a cat. Tatiana Rastorgueva, the current owner of the baby Maine Coon shared a video, and a few images of Valkyrie on her Instagram and people fell in love with the unusual kitten.
It’s not really clear what makes her a human cat – it might be her bone structure, round cheeks, a prominent beard or that bored-with-life look in her eyes. Nevertheless, a cat with a human face is not something you come by every day.
Now, scroll down below to check the cat photos and prepare to feel slightly uneasy.
More info: Instagram
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