How To Knit A Pie: Yarn Artists Take It To The Next Level For Thanksgiving
In 2013 Lorna Watt – one-half of the yarn bombing troupe KnitsForLife – sent me this amazing pie with the following statement, “this Thanksgiving I decided to top all pies by knitting the lattice crust of my homemade spiced apple pie. It was kind of like being a kid playing with play-doh all night in the kitchen… for three hours! I used Trader Joe’s Pie Crust, with trips in and out of the freezer when it got too sticky. Chopsticks and straws helped keep my warm hands off and work in the small spaces. I struggled to brush the egg white on, then inspiration struck: why not put egg whites in the misto? Voila! Fancy sugar sprinkles and some foil to prevent browning, and it came out perfectly.”
I’m so glad she shared it; and thanks to KnitsForLife, knit pies are becoming a yearly tradition. Happy Thanksgiving!
More info: knithacker.com
Have you ever thought of knitting your pie?
Chopsticks and straws are used as tines so that the dough wouldn’t stick to hands
Once a small section of the pattern is knitted, it’s laid on top of the pie
Once the whole top is covered, the pie is ready to be baked
Have fun!
Share on FacebookExactly how long did that take to knit and how many times did you have to stop and scream????? LOL!
Exactly how long did that take to knit and how many times did you have to stop and scream????? LOL!