Colin Furze, the mad engineer who created a brilliant set of retractable working Wolverine claws, has come up with a new invention that is equal parts brilliant and insane. When it’s time to wake up, his High Voltage Ejector Bed won’t take no (or “5 more minutes”) for an answer – it will literally throw you out of bed to the sound of ringing bells and car horns!

As is customary with Furze’s crazy inventions, the majority of it was assembled by him in his garage. An ordinary domestic compressor powers the home-made pistons that throw you out of bed.

Furze worked as a plumber before hosting the Gadget Geeks show on Sky1. He got the idea from his Youtube channel viewers and was supported by an endorsement deal from a coffee brand called Taylors of Harrogate – and he acknowledges that he was inspired by Wallace and Grommit, too! To see more of his so-crazy-they’re-brilliant designs, check out his Youtube channel and website below.

More info: | Youtube (h/t: dailydot)


    When it’s time to wake up, Ejector Bed won’t take ‘snooze’ for an answer

    It will literally throw you out of bed to the sound of ringing bells and car horns!

    If you still can’t wake up, set it to MAX power for the maximum effect


    This is how fast you can start your day!

    The High Voltage Ejector Bed video:

    Colin Furze’s making-of video: