A lot of wonderful things happen in the blink of an eye, but they are moving too quickly for us to comprehend. High speed photography is the science of capturing phenomena that would normally be impossible to see. As the human eye can see around 30 frames per second, we’d never be able to clearly see the shots here. The secret to high-speed photography is a fast shutter speed, typically faster than 1/2000th of a second!
Those who are taking photographs of high-speed action might see something no one’s ever seen before: a slow-motion bullet splitting an apple and the apex of the fruit exploding. Water drops, breaking glass, gun shots, and balloon explosions are just a few examples of what can be captured with high-speed photography and it’s oddly satisfying.
Freezing motion just this isn’t just a special photographic effect: it also has practical applications. High speed photography is also used in physics, health research, sports, and much more. While making high-end high-speed photos could cost you a fortune, it is still possible to capture super-fast movements using your ordinary camera gear and a little homemade electronics. Check out this how-to guide to do it yourself — it’s also got a few more photography tips and details on camera settings. (see DIY).
Theory aside, Bored Panda presents you with this really cool collection of perfectly timed photos captured by a high-speed camera. Enjoy!
Exploding Fruit Never Looked So Good
Apple Exploding From Gunshot
Shooting Grapes
Yogurt Caught In High Speed Photography
Slow Motion Bullet Impact
Oddly Satisfying Candle Destruction
Cracked Like An Egg
Zesty Lemon Explosion
(Image credits: nebarnix)
Grapefruit Exploding
High-Speed Photo Of Onion Explosion
More Fruit Exploding
(Image credits: nebarnix)
Extreme Headache
(Image credits: nebarnix)
Water Balloon Explosion In Slow Motion
(Image credits: A.Connah)
(Image credits: ecstaticist)
(Image credits: ttstam)
Water Drops And Splashes
(Image credits: nsaplayer)
P.S. If you like what you see – you might want to check 17 Colorful High-Speed Water Figures and also grab our RSS feed here.
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