96 Dark Pics Show What’s Wrong With Our Society, And You Won’t Get Some Without Looking At The Titles
"As much as we hate to admit it, we're all very vulnerable. The SUN Project is a four-person art collaboration that focuses on the destructive and painful emotions caused by the modern society we often hide. Fronted by Mimi N, the group produces illustrations almost daily and have already built a 164,000-strong following. From loneliness to depression and social media addiction, the SUN Project perfectly captures the feelings you've probably felt on quite a few rainy Sunday evenings in their dark pictures.
"I've been drawing since 2007, and I started by making comics and drawing various creepy pictures as part of my epilepsy therapy," Mimi N told Bored Panda. Inspired by daydreaming and the internet, Mimi N said that the SUN Project isn't only about the dark emotions and social issues that we endure. It's also a homage to wonderful sceneries and fashion. "I just draw what I love, [the] boundary between life and death, beauty and ugliness, smiles and sadness. I love exploring [different] art styles and fashion trends."
"People usually know me from the SUN Project, and I am grateful for all the kind comments," the artist added. "I'm glad people can relate to it, but these social problems illustrations are only a small part of me. I also love drawing anime, fanart, my own comics and much more. I wish my art can make the world a better place."
Scroll down to check out their incredible images, depicting problems with society, and who knows, maybe they will help you to come to terms with your own emotions. At least for a little while.
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Group assignment
Four of us
Yelling at your child for bad grades isn't the answer. Understanding that your child isn't Einstein and helping them with things they find difficult, is.
The real me
The artist is Japanese so it's not about social media, it's about idols. Idols in Japan are a very specific type of entertainer and they all have to portray a certain ideology to fit in/be liked. The "real" girl here is just playing the idol game and trying to beat it, hence the game controller.
It is not like that for everyone. I am much happier as an adult!
I can't
This was often me, people would go and the rare times they’d ask me to hang out I couldn’t because I had gotten a B on an assignment and mother wanted an A...
I am home
I'm almost sure I'm missing the meaning, but this one seems to be pretty nice and relatively happy. Personally a room full of books and animals sounds like a good alternative to the real world.
I had the chance to grow up with a mother that helped us learning our lessons and make sure we could have remedial teaching when lost, while she never pressured us for good grades. Just made sure we did our best.
I love this one. Been there and learned - if alive, don't even think about giving up.
The picture of love, money , good food, plenty to eat and drink and a wonderful house is not what life is for 90% of the people of the world.
Just kidding
I understand
When the right people get sad, everyone cares. When the "wrong" people do, no one does.
Please, love me
This is why I don't have Instagram or use Twitter...Facebook only to keep in touch with friends and family living far away. Best decision I made after I realized how much time I was spending on SM.
Dead inside
Physical, psychological, financial abuse takes its toll. Self harm too...
you think someone is beautiful at first, but their really a horrible person
Social anxiety
This is me. Please don't look at me or try to talk to me. I'm fine. Really.
Cyber judgement
I hate it when people say cyberbullying isn't real. Just because it's behind a screen doesn't make it any less significant. If someone sent you a picture of your dog being brutally murdered, would you shrug it off because it's on your phone?
This is horrible and it is more horrible to find out that this crime is still very strong in Vietnam and China
I will be downvoted for this. The illustration would make more sense if it showed an animal that's hunted for "sport" only (trophies), and not for food. The populations of wild animals such as deer and elk are tracked very carefully, and limits are set accordingly each year. Responsible hunters abide by these limits, respect the habitat, and use the meat to help feed themselves and their families. Hunters who are after trophies only are irresponsible pieces of s**t who have no respect for nature, and are the ones we should be targeting.
A good child
This is exactly how it is! I was/am a good child and it so hard to break out of that.
I am okay
Comfort me
Verbal abuse
"Sticks and stones may break your bones, but words leave psychological wounds that never heal."
I like how the one on the left had to tear the thorns off the stem before giving the flower to the girl - he sacrificed more it seems, than the one on the right.
Self hatred
There are days I dream of this-- I wish I was a separate person so I could beat the c**p out of myself.
My true love
People who cheat only see their happiness and how beautiful each other are. They perceive what they are going through to be true love. The spotlight, the colour in their lives...They neglect to consider those they cheat on but selfishly hang on to those anyway hence the hands are dominating and clinging. As they hang on they also would technically have one hand tied behind their backs for their new relationship. A cheater never gives fully even though they can justify what they perceive as true love.
Make up
This one is very sad. Some people just take outside beauty as a priority and forgot they have an inside too
Identity crisis
I actually went through this not too long ago. I felt like I had to do and say things that people would like me for. For example, I would laugh at something I didn’t find funny, or I would examine other people to see what others liked about them and I would sort of act like those people.I was so full of self-doubt and I thought my normal self wasn’t good enough, but what I’ve come to realize is that you don’t want to be liked by the wrong people. If you aren’t yourself, then people are going to like you for the wrong reasons.
Love how the girl uses the scarred arms( a common element in most of the other drawings) as a way to disguise herself as someone who is hurt.
Unhappiness,loneliness,an empty feeling of feeling like your alone .That is painful.I had to learn to break away from that.Its ok to care,it’s ok to have feelings and please know that u are never alone.
Top stories
oh my god, this is really strong .... it almost makes me cry....
Oh... i can relate... I hate trying to fit the mold by being corrected by what society endorses/ accepts...especially creativity. Today we had a project where the teacher said you could organize the words however you wanted to... she showed an example... a few minutes later, we all presented our thoughts... they kept repeating each others, and the example... THEIRS BEING A NEAR EXACT REPLICA. I was different though... I made several Venn diagrams with many facets... and cut them out so words could fit near anywhere. I thought for myself... and my general ideas... not just some input codes, expelling the same output everytime. Ppl just want fast... or reward... but lose their humanity in the process.
She somehow knew she'd regret her decision, hence the hammer. When she reached the point of regret she decided not to move on (smashed path) and now she is trapped in the notion that she could have done better and that she screwed up everything. She just kept looking back that she failed to notice what is ahead of her which might have led her to a better place.
The person behind the flower - is that the creator? So the art is celebrated, but the artist is unknown?
Again, like my friend on facebook--she actually posts pictures of herself crying. And no, she's not really looking for help--others have offered help, myself included, and she turns them all away.
The way I see it, a lot of people use the term 'snowflake' to undermine others who stand up for the weak and what is right. It's no coincidence that these naysayers are of a particular party. Snowflakes, to me, means strength and individualism...not allowing yourself to be led by the herd. Individually they might not be seen as much, but together they are powerful and carry force... avalanches are a great example.
He wants what the other guy has, but he's not willing to work for it like the other guy's doing.
NO its trying to appreciate the small things... at least that is what this says.
"Where is your common sense?"
I get told this is all the time by my dad. It’s doesnt seem like much but it still makes a big impact.
Wasting your life - waiting for opportunity to come to you and barring the door
I can Relate to almost all of these. this is the first time I have felt understood. Like. completely.
You'll find a lot of Pandas relate to a lot of these. If there was a gathering of the Panda's everyone would probably be awkward as s**t, haha.
Load More Replies...I can Relate to almost all of these. this is the first time I have felt understood. Like. completely.
You'll find a lot of Pandas relate to a lot of these. If there was a gathering of the Panda's everyone would probably be awkward as s**t, haha.
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