30 Years Ago, This Mom Bought 2 Identical Teddies – One For Her Son And Another For Her Son’s Child
In 1985, one mom bought her son two identical teddy bears – one for him to play with, and one was placed in storage for him to give to his own children when he grows up. Now that his first child was finally born, his younger brother created a photo comparing the two reunited teddies.
The younger brother, who posted the two photos on Reddit, wrote that the played-with bear had “been on many vacations, gotten soaked in pool water time and time again, and got lost on a theme park ride at Disney World. It has certainly seen a lot.” If you've still got your childhood teddies with you, you can add their pic to this post below!

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Mine And My Twin Brother's Teddy Bears From 1992. Bare In Mind That One Of Us Is Disabled From Birth And In A Wheelchair To This Day.
My Best Friend From 33 Years Ago And A New Old Stock One My Pop Got For My Baby Son
Omg my husband has one exactly like this. Do you know anywhere we could find another one?
Here Is My New Teddy And Old Teddy.
My Two Identical Bears
Carcass Of My Wife's Stuffed Mouse
35 Year Old Big Bird Vs My Daughter's 35 Year Old Big Bird Gifted By My Mom
This Is 'old Ted' And He Is 69 Years Old And Much Loved
Ruffus The First, And Ruffus The Second For My Little Boy, Due This September. 26 Years Apart.
Teddy On The Left: 37 Years Old, Mine - Teddy On The Right: 40 Years Old, My Husband's
33yrs Old Teddy Born In Boston, Raised In Mexico, World Traveller, Once Lost In Central Park Nyc For 6 Days!!
My 22 Y/o Snuffy And My Sisters 14 Y/o Snuffy. Someones Obviously Not Giving Enough Love...
It's Polly!!!! (We called her that because she has polyester beads in her bum!) I still have my Polly (buts she's white) Gund still make them - and in the most incredible colours. Mine will be 30 this year - I am still trying to buy a new one - found an identical one in Canada and totally regret not buying her
Bad Dream Keepers - Blue One Is 27 And The Pink One Is 18 Years Old. Made By My Grandmother.
The pink one was supposed to replace the blue one, but I just saw it as a bonus.
50 Years Young
My Doll From Chicago And My Austrian Baer, Both 65 Years Old
My Youngest Daughter Is Now The Loving Owner Of My 30 Year Old Pink Panther Teddy
I've Had This Teddy Since I Was 6 (1994). He Is Now 21 Years Old ❤️
My Bunny That I Cherish And Still Sleep With Till This Day
I've Had Larry For 31 Years (on The Right) My Mom Gave Lucy To Me (left) 21 Yrs Later.
I guess there would be bigger difference if this photo was 10 years older?
My 27 Years Old Funshine Bear Since I Was 5. He Has Been With Me Through My Ups & Downs.
23 Year Old Toutou And What He Used To Look Like. Lived In France, Gabon And Canada.
Meet Teddy. My Best Friend For 39 Years.
I can't believe that is my child hood bear to the exact bear. Mine was called Buffy. Thanks for sharing by the way I still have mine to
My 35 Year Old "noopy" Has Been Commendeered My My 2 Year Old!
My 32 Year Old Teddy Cat "sabrina" & An Original 1979 Untouched Version I'm Just About To Buy!
Ah, I still have that exact same Sabrina kitty from when I was little!! Looks just as loved as the older one, identical.
My Well Loved Big Puppy Born In 1985 (on The Right) And A "fresh" 1985 Gund I Found On Etsy.
'teddy' Is 27
This Is Bear, He's 36 Years Old, And Used To Be A Pink Teddy Bear! Very Well Loved!
Mum Knitted Us These Dolls 30 Years Ago. I Like(d) Mine More Than My Brother. #mamibäbi
My Dog Boomer That I've Had For 32 Years.
My "ellie"phant That My Dad Gave Me When I Was 1 Day Old Is Now Almost 26
loves! i have a stuffed elephant that's been with me for almost 25 years too :D
My First Sleepingmate (39 Years Old) And Me.
There is no way this guy is 39 years. But there sure are chances of the legendary "Sleepingmate" being carried for generations
My 52 Year Old Teddy And The Copy My Daughter Made For Me
Celebrating 25 Years Of Togetherness. They Are Part Of My Family.
Sleep, drink, eat, play, love, best friend when i am alone
This Is My Boy, Bonzie. He's Been With Me Since I Was Knee High To A Grasshopper. He Rocks! :-)
My 46 Year-old Panda Bear
My Favorite Doll Melissa And My Favorite Cabbage Patch Doll Who Looks Just Like My Daughter
My Childhood Companion
Mickey Finn (husband's Teddy Handed Down From His Dad) Aprox 56 Yrs Old & My Woofy 28yrs Old
This Is Harry. He Is Almost 23. He Used To Be White. He Sleeps Under My Pillow W My Blankey Now
My Daughters Puppy, My Second Mutt Mutt (my Mom Has My Original) And My Daughters Baby Puppy
Meet Enkie. I Have Had Him For 35 Years. Love Him Lots. ❤️
She's Only 20 But That's Over 7,300 Nights Spent Sleeping In My Bed With Me
Presenting Pompompurin: Original From 1996 (left) And His Younger Brother From 1998 (right)
I Have This Teddy From When I Was 3. I Guess It's His 25th Birthday This Year.
Jason (right, 36 Years Old, Bought) And Topolino (left, Sewed By My Mum, 5 Years Ago).
Fluffy Bear Is 25 Yrs Old He Has Been To Germany & Spent The Night @a Camera Store When I Was 3
Jonny Steve And Mike Jonny Just Lost His Hair
My Pooh Bear, That Is 20 Years This July And Lives In My Bed Whereever I Call Home!
21 Year Old Elephant Music Box Toy
Panda And Kermy Both 36 Years Old
'ted'. 37 Years Old. Only Dad Was Allowed To Fix Him. Well Loved.
27 Years Difference
This Is Foo, A Loyal Travel Buddy And Companion Even After 30 Years Xx
My Sister's Four "pippolinos"
Good Friends. My Brother's 21 Years Old Teddy Bear Named Bumi And My 33 Years Old Monkey.
Imagine My Excitement When I Found A Brand New Dixie For My Brand New Daughter!!!
Wally The Walrus
My 22 Years Old Doll, Maya, That I Got The Day I Was Born From My Father
My Mousey And His Siblings. *mousey Is On The Far Left Had Him Since I Was 3.*
My First, Second And Third Pandabear. The Same Model, About 5 Years Apart From Each Other.
Mine And My Older Sister's Teddy Bears From 1987. We Got Them As Gifts On The Day I Was Born.
I had a very similar bear - I had a lot of white fluffy bears (explains my love of polar bears!) He must be somewhere in my bear pile at mums.
Meet Jebediah. 41 Years And Still Going Strong
My Friend For More Than 30 Years :)
Do you know what brand and/or year he is? I'm searching for a copy of my husband's childhood bear and it looked a lot like this...
Hard To See. Original Bear Is Basically Flat And Floppy, Very Worn And Thread Bare. Constant Companion Of A 6 Year Old Autistic Boy.
Bluey Has Been My Constant Travelling Companion For Nearly Thirty Years. He Was Blue At Once
This Is Roger. Have Had Him All My Life (29 Years). Never Go On Holiday Without Him.
My Bunny Since I Was 3, He Will Be 20yrs This November.
My Little Guy Targét On The Far Right! (youngest To Oldest: Luigi, Touché, Gigí & Targét) :)
The One On The Right Should Look Like The One On The Left (just In Yellow) Still Sleep With Her
She's been through 2 different outfits my grandma would replace and see on her. I have 2 others in different colors and I've always favored the yellow one. Her name is Molly and I still sleep with her to this day. I'm 22 years old and not ashamed at all. She's currently wearing one of my baby dresses because her original dress has been loved on in the past years...
Bubu, Been Through A Combine Harvester. 23 Years Old.
My Much Loved 'perdita' And Twin!
Martin, 55 Years Old. New Nose From 1965 And Outfit From 1975.
Teddy Joined My Family In 1984 And We Have Been Best Buddies Since!!
Anyone Remember Holly Hobbie? Mine Is 38 Years Old.
I remember Holy Hobbie! I had 2 with interchangeable clothes an this other with magnetic clothes!!
Grandmom's Teddy Bear 50 Years Old And Grandmom's Granddaughter 5 Months Old.
Scottish Cousins! My Dad Did The Same For Me And My Mum - Brown Teddy And Sunbeam
My 29year Old Duck"gagga" From "gack-gack"and His Family (he Used To Look Like Them)
#80 13 Years Old...pooh Travels Through Time.
Same Toy Almost 30 Years Later
to the author .. .. and respondents thanks for a really fun post / blog to read you all hit one of my soft spots .. ah yes i have just this xmas (before reading this story) recieved a new 'cuddles' (from my wife of 42 yrs) of my stuffed monkey cuddles 2 the first one was lost in germany and replaced in 1957 and (acording to mom at the time ) traveled till he found where he was made to get a new coat before returning to me all furry and new a few months after loseing him ... sorry no pics yet .. cuddles 2 has made his home in the fireproof lock box for about 42 years to insure his safety with every inportant document i ever had the new one cuddles 3 has more freedom on the dresser . hugs to all and thanks .. davida
I love this. When my son was little he called his bear Blue Beer or just Beer. When he was about 3 yrs old he told our neighbors that I gave him "Beer" every night so he would go to sleep!
I thought i was the only, who is all grown up n still love their teddies, and nobody understand my emotions. But I am happy that people are coming up and sharing there true emotions and memories
I like stuffed animals as well as many other toys but things destroyed my childhood things.
I love this. When my son was little he called his bear Blue Beer or just Beer. When he was about 3 yrs old he told our neighbors that I gave him "Beer" every night so he would go to sleep!
I thought i was the only, who is all grown up n still love their teddies, and nobody understand my emotions. But I am happy that people are coming up and sharing there true emotions and memories
I like stuffed animals as well as many other toys but things destroyed my childhood things.