CM Leung has been voted one of the world’s top wedding photographers, but even he couldn’t have planned the stunning pictures that he took at a wedding photoshoot in Iceland recently. Because although the amazing photos below look staged, the helicopter was in fact a very surprising addition to the photoshoot!

The Icelandic Coast Guard chopper had been in the area to rescue somebody, and Leung just happened to be in the right place and had the perfect timing to capture the moment that it flew past the bride. She managed to stay on her feet just long enough for the photographer to take his amazing wedding photos before the downdraft knocked her over. Rescue personnel was present to ensure that people on the ground were safe, and although the helicopter looks perilously close, the angle of the beautiful photos makes it look more dangerous than it actually was. Still, this doesn’t stop it from being one of the coolest wedding pictures we’ve ever seen.

More info: CM Leung (h/t: PetaPixel)


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