Harry Potter-Themed Newborn Photo Shoot With A Screeching Mandrake Baby Goes Viral
Jesse and Katherine Oldfield of Eugene, Oregon are huge Harry Potter fans. A while back, when their eldest son, Sebastian, was just about 8 months old, they set up a Harry Potter-themed photo shoot for him in a graveyard. Now that they have a new baby boy named Theodore, they decided he needs his own Harry Potter moment as well.
Inspired by a scene from Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, the epic photo features the newborn son as a screeching Mandrake and Sebastian as Harry Potter. As soon as Theo started crying, the photographer Kelsey Clouse (Lune de la Rogue Photography) started doing her magic. She managed to capture both Theo crying and Sebastian’s priceless reaction to the ‘screeching’ – the result is amazing and depicts the fantasy series perfectly. Clouse posted the photo on her Facebook page on July 3rd, and it has gone viral with over 53k likes, 18k comments, and 89k shares.
More info: lunedelaroguephotography.com | Facebook | Instagram
Share on FacebookOMG people!! Stop it. We are not used to see this much hatred on Bored Panda. The point of this web is to show something interesting to the others. And I think this is definitely interesting. And I love the screaming mandrake picture. I think it is funny. I don't see anything wrong on these pictures at all :-)
Such a great set of pictures, love the mandrake idea very creative. :)
OMG people!! Stop it. We are not used to see this much hatred on Bored Panda. The point of this web is to show something interesting to the others. And I think this is definitely interesting. And I love the screaming mandrake picture. I think it is funny. I don't see anything wrong on these pictures at all :-)
Such a great set of pictures, love the mandrake idea very creative. :)