We make solar system planet and sky maps that tell a story. The kids can further develop what the characters did or will do next. The scientific and cartographic part of the solar system maps is accurate and up-to-date. Each of these beautiful drawings was designed by different graphic artists, using their own visual style. The scientific content is contributed by a NASA postdoc (that’s me). All maps were translated into 11 languages. They are now on display at the ICC2015 Rio de Janeiro cartographic conference.

The inclusion of aliens on such interesting maps created much controversy in the planetary community. We plan to add Pluto, Rosetta’s comet, and other irregular small bodies and moon maps in the future. The colorful drawing series was prepared with the professional support of the ICA Commission on Planetary Cartography. We hope the kids browsing these maps will one day map the surface of an exoplanet.

Want to have the full-resolution versions? Go to our website and download them for free.

More info:


    Map Of Mars

    Graphic artist: Csilla Kőszeghy

    Map Of Venus

    Graphic artist: András Baranyai

    Map Of Europa

    Graphic artist: Csilla Gévai

    Map Of Titan


    Graphic artist: Panka Pásztohy

    Map Of The Moon

    Graphic artist: László Herbszt

    Map Of Io (Moon of Jupiter)

    Graphic artist: Dóri Sirály