Vet clinic in Petrozavodsk, Russia has posted this super cute photo of a teeny-tiny hamster with a tiny cast and now the Internet can’t handle its cuteness. The poor fella broke its arm and was was brought into a vet’s office. Luckily, it was taken care of and given probably the world’s tiniest cast.

Although we feel very sorry for this unfortunate guy, there’s just something super cute about pets with casts. Just take a look at these pics below…


    There’s just something super cute about pets with casts:

    Image credits: unknown

    Image credits: Faderaumator

    Image credits: Jeff Moore


    Image credits: City Wildlife

    Image credits: Josh Henderson

    Vet clinic in Petrozavodsk, Russia has posted this super cute photo of a teeny-tiny hamster with a tiny cast and now the Internet can’t handle its cuteness. The poor fella broke its arm and was was brought into a vet’s office. Luckily, it was taken care of and given probably the world’s tiniest cast.

    Although we feel very sorry for this unfortunate guy, there’s just something super cute about pets with casts. Just take a look at these pics below…


      There’s just something super cute about pets with casts:

      Image credits: unknown

      Image credits: Faderaumator

      Image credits: Jeff Moore


      Image credits: City Wildlife

      Image credits: Josh Henderson